Chapter Eight

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Third Person's POV

Jimin slowly opened his eyes and met with Seokjin's face whose close with his. The smaller male didn't react at first but when it hit him, Jimin pushed him off him and cover himself with his blanket.

What does Seokjin think he's doing? The younger silently asked.

Jimin removed the blanket from covering his face and looked over Seokjin with annoyed expression, Seokjin only smiled at the latter.

"Good morning!" Seokjin greets me the younger.

"You looked incredibly peaceful little one you even smiled in your sleep!" Jimin looked at Seokjin bewildered.

"I don't have the heart to wake you and it looks like you're about to get late again." Seokjin explained before looking over his watch. "Unfortunately something came up and I can't drive you to your Uni but I prepared your breakfast, eat before leaving, okay?" Seokjin noted now staring at his younger brother, Jimin only gave him a nod.

"Be safe okay? I'll go ahead." Seokjin says moving forward, ruffling the smaller male's head before he left.

Jimin looked over his alarm clock disappointedly it happened again, he's going to be late for the 2nd time.

Jimin groaned as he recalled Jungkook's words about them going to Uni together. Though Jimin didn't give him a proper response he's hoping Jungkook didn't wait for him.


"Hey, stop right there!"

Jimin freezes and pressed his eyes shut as he heard him. Jimin faces the direction where the voice was coming from.

"Hi." Jungkook greets him, laughing softly as he stops in front of the smaller male. Jimin smiled back and wave his hand.

"Thought you didn't wait for me, turns out you just got here." Jungkook mumbled grinning, Jimin shyly stare at the latter.

Jimin wanted to ask if he did wait for him and Jimin wants to apologize for that but he can't open his mouth, he can't talk even if he wants to, he's anxious.

"Oh right!" Jungkook exclaimed and Jimin's eyes lit up, "I was about to invite you, want to take you out later for some drinks." He informed the smaller, smile evident in his lips and Jimin was caught off guard about his invitation.

"Sounds okay, for you?"

Jimin didn't catch up. He stared at the latter with puzzled expression.

"Why do you look confused? I'm asking you if you're free later." He cleared out chuckling.

If It Is You [Jikook/Kookmin] || English VerWhere stories live. Discover now