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Teenage me, thirteen at the time, was definitely one of tears and failure. My life was built on hearing my parents throw trashy remarks at one another like the one with the last word owned the other, and at the same time it was built on letting my eyes roll side to side just reading the information passed in the textbook. However I was never the multitasker. I preferred having solely focus on one thing at a time, physically and mentally – which does explain why I fail in Physical Education tasks which involve using your hands to do one thing and your legs to do another.

Similarly my ears and eyes go through the same struggle when I hear my parents arguing and when I read the words in my book. In conclusion I failed the grade, shaming not only my awesomely well-money-earning parents, but also myself. As a Korean student, I'm destined to pass because of my immense studying, but that studying had gone to waste when I had been multitasking and straining my health emotionally and mentally. I wanted my parents to be happy– but I couldn't do anything about it, I mean, what can a failing thirteen year old do except for hope.

That was why, being equally important, my mother had a mother to mother talk with our neighbour, asking as politely as she possibly could to babysit me – but I wouldn't exactly call it babysitting if my mom specifically asks that I only stay over to study for as long as I want; no food included, no relaxation breaks, nothing except studying. In other words my mother asked if I could use their house as a study spot when they argue, and the local library not being included because it would be too far to walk from home to the location.

Having explained it to our neighbour, she willing and wholeheartedly accepted, and with that she offered if I could sometimes stay for dinner, but my mother declined. Repeatedly emphasizing on the 'study only'. So, already being agreed, our neighbour noted how she had a son who's three years older than me, which did not bother my mother – but it bothered me.

It did bother me before I started studying there. I was practically invisible to the sixteen year old boy who never glanced my way, not even once. He was smart, according to his mother who would help me with something I was bad at, but he was very much a problematic child. Although, to me he was just a nice boy, with a phone in his hand, always walking from his room to the kitchen, and never saying hello to me. It would be an understatement if I said he didn't know I existed, because he did know I existed and that I came to study at his house everyday, he just never took it in his interest to look at me when I looked at him.

And that's how I grew up. Having two homes. The one I wake up in, sleep in, eat in, bath in and the one I study in – also known as the house I met my first crush Taeil.

Taeil, who didn't bother noticing me but allowed me to notice him everyday of the week, month, year, up to a decade – excluding family outings and outings similar to that. In conclusion, I basically watched him grow up. Grow up into the drug and alcoholic, sex in love man he is.

On the brightside, he did spend two years in a rehab centre getting off drugs and alcohol, so he can focus on his life again. Only to get back on alcohol again.

Even though, in my eyes he still is the boy I grew up noticing.

As for his parents, when he got out of rehab, they told him that there's no rush in finding a job. They told him to spend as much time as he needs to live an exciting life, and when he's ready to work he can start of as an intern in their I.T company. Which wasn't a bad idea, until he started bringing ladies home in a drunken state, but both me and his parents had no say, because he's only trying to live his life to the fullest before he falls into the working lifestyle of business men.

Leaving me. A university student, about to finish and receive a diploma in a matter of two to three months, majoring in business studies. Even though I grew up watching my crush cheat on me with numerous women, studying was my main priority and anchor. Like without it, I wouldn't be who I am today. A reserved, introvert who went to only girl schools and a private university – not to forget never trying to interact with a real life man.



This story does not make any references to the NCT members' real thoughts, behaviors, or opinions. This is an alternative universe. The story plot as well as the characteristics of the characters are from my own imagination.


This story will include several offenses such as the use of PROFANITY, ALCOHOL intake, SEXUAL behaviors, DEPRESSION etc.

- Another WARNING:
This book is PG16
I know all about the underage readers (and I won't lie, I was one of them at some point but I stayed off platforms that restricted underage readers).
As I've already given my warning in regards to this book, I will not be held accountable for the effect it may have to young and innocent minds.

- Another WARNING:
Most scenes in further chapters regarding the guys personality and behavior is how I've observed the guys in my generation as well as the guys I'd see in malls etc.
Unfortunately, no offense to anyone, but most of the times if a 'bad boy' or 'cool boy' is mentioned in other stories I tend to get disappointed after reading the scenes that the so called bad boy or cool boy were mentioned in. They literally have little to no speech similar to a real bad boy or cool boy. They have such soft and rushed attitudes that just makes me wonder how they are classified as bad or cool boys.
Thus I hope, with my A+ English and Author skills, my book impresses everyone reading a scene that they anticipated on.



All rights reserved to me.

I don't want to freak anyone out, but I will, I repeat, I will make sure to give you what you deserve if you even dare to cross the line of my rights and authority to this book!

Since I was the one who spent a good year on plotting this book, I as the author will do what I have to do if you attempt to plagiarize or mess with my book! Since I was the one who stayed up to pull on nighters just for the sake of writing this book of mine, I as the author will do what I have to do if you attempt to plagiarize or mess with my book! Since I was the one who fell in love with being the God to my characters and fell in love with this fictional love story, I as the author will do what I have to do if you attempt to plagiarize or mess with my book!

Hehe, if you try me by thinking you can translate my book, or even plagiarize my book, I swear all hell will break loose when I find out who you are in the Wattpad community! I will NAME and SHAME you! I swear on Moon Taeil!


NB: The MOST COMMON songs I listened to when writing this book were:

- Chain by NCT 127

- Limitless by NCT 127

- Wakey Wakey by NCT 127

- End to Start by NCT 127

- Good Thing by NCT 127

- Blow my Mind by NCT 127

- 저 달 by Moon Sujin ft. Moon Taeil

- Baby Baby covered by Moon Taeil

- Baby Don't Stop by NCT U

- Boss by NCT U

(P.S, I'd recommend other songs but this book suited more than ten songs in different scenes of each chapter so, I'd suggest you get songs that you feel comfortable with in a particular scene.)


Thank you to everyone who has chosen to read this Moon Taeil fiction made by non other than me, @Dzzuling_Min.

I had been thankful to others who wrote Moon Taeil fanfictions, nevertheless I was very much disappointed at the amount of fanfictions under Taeil's name.

The way I love this man is no joke, thus I chose to do a noble deed by writing the best book of my entire life! Please show a lot of love and support to this book. Also, if you have anything trashy or negative to say about this book then don't even think of commenting.

Last Notice:
This book is pre-written and complete (for years, approximately three years~) although I changed the characters' ages to be 2020 based.

Publishing date – 2022, January 1

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