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Taeil is laying on the bed, phone in his hand as he scrolls through his messages with Y/N whining. She’s sitting on top of his abdomen with her hands on his chest, holding his collar. “Taeil,” she whines, trying to get his attention but he refuses to give it to her. “Please, I don’t want to go,” she begs him, pouting her lips. He doesn’t spare her a glance, let alone listen to her. She continues whining, only making Taeil’s smile brighten up.

“Gyeong Hee will be with you,” he mutters, still looking at his messages.

“Also Mei Ling, and Admi, as well as Wuolai. Taeil please, I don’t want to be away from you for what? Seven days? No, Taeil don’t do this to me, please.” She pleads sadly, hoping he’d change his mind about the bachelorettes party the ladies are going to have for Y/N and Gyeong Hee’s wedding with Taeil and Taeyong in two weeks’ time.

“I’m also going, you know,” he mentions, peeking at her by tilting his phone to the side before adjusting it properly. “Both Taeyong and I will be with the other guys, and if I happen to tell you to stay then you’ll be alone in the house.” Taeil tells her about the bachelor party the guys will have for both himself and Taeyong.

Y/N furrows her brows. “But—”

Already knowing what type of excuse she’ll bring up, he cuts her off. “No, my Swan, I won’t let you come with me, and I won’t stay at home while Taeyong enjoys his bachelor party. Plus, if you come with me, you’ll be uncomfortable since they’ll be twenty one other guys always around Taeyong and I. So, unfortunately, whether you like it or not, you’ll have to go with the other ladies to—”

“But I don’t want to go to Africa!” she shrieks.

“And I don’t want to go to China but I don’t have a choice either!” he shrugs. “Plus, you’re going to South Africa and from what I heard is that it’s pretty fun over there. They’ve got The Big Five and—”

“I don’t like animals.” She states. “I don’t even know how to speak the language. There’s going to be a huge language barrier.” She whines, still holding onto his clothing.

Taeil shakes his head with a smile. “Look, I don’t know who told you that everyone in that country speaks one particular language. Did you know that South Africa is a rainbow nation with different races, cultures, religions – including Christianity – and the second most common language is English? And, my dear, you know how to speak English, so what’s the problem.”


“Oh,” Taeil interrupts, remembering something else he also read about the country and its reviews. “Don’t think that it’s a poor country.” He tells her while chuckling. “A review I read when Taeyong and I were picking the country you and Gyeong Hee will have your bachelorettes party in stated that a couple went there with their worst clothes to fit in with the poverty, but little did they expect to see everyone in those bougie outfits and million dollar diamond rings etcetera.” He laughs at how ridiculous those visitors were to think that the country is broke.

She huffs. “I only want to be with you.”

“And I only want you by my side.” He tells her passionately. “And we will be together…” he says as if it is so obvious, but he continues. “…after a week. After this week, we’ll be together for another week before we are a happy married couple, Swan. Until then, this is our last day together – this is our last ten minutes together before both Taeyong and Gyeong Hee come to fetch us.” He smiles at her as he puts his phone down and puts his hands under his head in a relaxing position. “Now instead of begging me to no avail, why don’t we enjoy some quality time together.”

Results Of A Decade Attraction • Moon TaeilWhere stories live. Discover now