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Y/N lies on her bed after closing their room light. Sa Rah was out and was not coming back tonight, leaving Johnny and Y/N alone at home. On a daily basis, after crying every night, if it was her turn to do the dishes then she would suck up all her pain and go to the kitchen and wash the dishes, but if it was not her turn she would cry herself to sleep.

Today, since Sa Rah was out and it was Johnny’s turn to wash the dishes, Y/N had spent a full hour crying over Taeil again.

The last time that Taeyong came for dinner, he hugged her for as long as she could remember. He did not let go until she was left with a sore throat and little to no tears in her eyes. Strangely, he offered her some advice on how to maintain her emotions. She was thankful to have Taeyong by her side that night, because after that, she barely shed a tear until today.

In a few hours, it will be her birthday. The 1st of March. She will be turning twenty four and she is far from ready. She is not scared of aging, but she is scared of growing up. Although she already thinks with genius intelligence like an adult would, she is afraid that as the months go by, she will be consumed by her depressing thoughts. She still loves Taeil, but lately she has been talking to herself about how he probably moved on.

She doesn’t want to lose Taeil, her Taeil… her Zithbenithmoon.

Taeil, on the other hand, constantly has Y/N on his mind. He’s happy when thinking about her, and unlike Y/N, he doesn’t cry or fill his head with depressing thoughts. In fact, this moment he is the happiest that he has ever been. Not only was he discharged from the rehab center two days ago, but he was already preparing to go back to work. He felt so happy when his parents walked with him out of the rehab center, as that was the moment he got a huge sniff of fresh air. To make things better, he not only felt like a changed man, but he felt like a clean guy.

The thought of drinking again did not cross his mind, not even once.

The thought of clubbing and meeting ladies is nowhere near his mind.

All he wants is to start learning how to manage his dad’s business, and all he hopes is that Y/N does not move on.

Just the thought of her brings a smile to his face. He remembers the moment he was discharged; he ordered a cake from one of the biggest bakeries in the city. When the cake was delivered to his parents’ apartment, he asked his dad to get in touch with private deliveries to get the cake sent to the address Taeyong told him, in other words, he got the cake sent to Y/N’s place. He even wrote a letter, but he wasn’t sure about signing his own name on the card. Even if he missed Y/N more than ever, he wanted her to stay focused in Chicago. He doesn’t want to distract her by telling her that he misses her, because if he does do that, he is a hundred percent sure that she will want to come back. And it is not the matter of her coming back that gets him upset, instead, it is the fact that he will be distracting her from being the best worker that he is sure she can be.

However, besides that, he can’t wait for Johnny to call or send him a video of Y/N’s reaction from the anonymous birthday cake with a note.

Back to Y/N in Chicago – she is now curled in a worm position on the bed. Her eyes are closed as she tries her best to think positively for the sake of her birthday tomorrow.

A light knock breaks her from her almost sleepy state. She turns her head around in the direction of the door when it is pushed open. The light illuminating from the hallway is bright and enough for Y/N to squint her eyes and see Johnny’s figure.

“Y/N, I saw your phone charging in the kitchen. It’s on full battery now.” Johnny starts. “And, my charger kinda broke a while ago. So, can I charge my phone with your charger?” he asks, anticipating her answer.

Results Of A Decade Attraction • Moon TaeilWhere stories live. Discover now