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"Classes ended earlier today," I say, nervously fiddling with my fingers.

"Alright," he sighs "I'll see what I can do." Kun responds with a hint of exhaustion in his tone. "Hold on for a second,"

I pull the phone from my ear after hearing that I'm placed on hold. A moment later, he cuts the call.

Since last night, after the little discussion I had in my head, I planned on treating him as kindly as I possibly can. He deserves so much because of the sacrifices he has done.

Sliding the transparent doors open, I step out of the university. The cold weather of the night embraces my bare arms as I make my way to the benches. I watch the other students in their warm jackets leaving the main gates.

"How I envy them," I whisper through chattering teeth as my hands rub the skin of my arms. The little heat I create keeps my body from shivering.

A few moments later when it is 11pm, a group of boys, four of them, step out of the university. They talk aloud and cheerfully to one another, stopping by one of the first benches.

Before I can look away, one of them laughs and his cute eye smile pops out. The other beside him smacks his arm, laughing too. I recognise him. Na Jaemin, the first year student who was rumoured to have taken one of the younger female lecturer on a date.

I stare at them, unintentionally getting their attention since I keep my gaze for so long. The younger looking one grabs a packet of marshmallows from his bag and shares it with the others. Moments after, I assume my eyes on them surprises them. So much so that they leave.

My phone buzzes from a text notification. I look at the message by Kun, reading aloud "I'm outside."

By the time I reach the car, I notice movement at the back seat right before I pull the passenger door open. When I am comfortably seated and buckled up, Kun pushes the stick from park to drive.

"I was in a meeting room by the time you called. Forgive me for coming this late." Kun justifies himself, catching me off guard. His eyes are focused straight ahead, although I can see it in his posture how sincere he is. He turns his head to look at me but I look away. The thought of making eye contact only quickens my pulse, especially after I have decided to start seeing him in a different light.

"It's fine," is all I manage to squeak out, keeping my gaze down at my shoes.

Silence engulfs us in the car, until I hear someone yawning behind me. Startled by that, my hand reaches my heart. Someone is sitting behind me. That person must be the one who I saw through the tinted windows, the one creating movement.

"Uh," Kun looks at me before looking back at the road, his tone clearly expressing confusion. "Y/N, are you fine?" he asks.

My eyes are wide open and a short nervous chuckle leaves my lips. Someone is sitting behind me.

"It's my friends sitting at the back. Don't worry," He takes a quick glance my way while speaking.

As I let out a breath of relief and drop my hand, someone pops his head in the space between my chair and Kun's. I look at him, his face becoming a tiny bit more familiar. He looks at me. Then he moves back. "Kun, what is this person doing here?" The male asks in Mandarin. "She's the same person we told you about. The one who was looking at us."

I internally roll my eyes, clearly remembering the time I looked at his group of friends. So Kun knows these guys, I thought.

"Renjun, why don't you speak in Korean?" Kun says to the guy, Renjun. His name sends me back to the group chat in Kun's phone. Both his and Jaemin's names are there. It can be a coincidence that these aren't the same guys from the phone.

"Kun are you related to her?" the person behind me asks suddenly. Kun hums in response.

"Of course they're related, otherwise he wouldn't be taking her along. Are you dumb Jeno?" A different voice breaks out.

"Am I, Jisung?" Jeno, the guy behind me threatens the other. Before I know it, they argue back and forth, creating a rackus over one of the passive ones who try to calm them down.

Kun sighs. I watch him use his hand to open one of the compartments. He looks down for a second before turning his gaze back to the road after seeing whatever it is that he is looking for. Even though there is no light turned on in the car, he sees what he reaches out for. He pulls it out right after I turn to look ahead, coincidentally.

When I look ahead, I see the traffic lights change and Kun stops the car, clearing his throat in the process. My breathing is light and relaxed, until he speaks.

"Y/N," he calls my name nervously. I turn my head and look at him, the street lamps on the side illuminate some light in the car. His eyes are looking down at the object in his hands, so I look down at the object as well. It is a small rectangular shaped box covered by a blue gift wrapper.

We are both immersed in the subject that neither of us notice that the guys sitting at the back stop everything they were doing seconds ago.

"Earlier today, I saw this on display at the Tûù Store," He starts with a slight agitation in his tone, and even if I have little to no knowledge about this Tûù store, I still feel fascinated. "I bought it as a gift for you."

Kun looks at me, sticking the gift out. With an apprehensive smile I take the gift, appreciating every single thing about it, including the one giving it to me.

He stares at me with an anxious face while I admire the gift. The traffic lights change colours and this snaps Kun back to reality. Pushing the gear stick and putting a hand on the wheel, he drives once again.

I'm hesitant for a moment, but before I can think of changing my mind, I thank him, "I don't want to say too much, but thank you for the gift."

"You're welcome," he says. "I hope you don't mind if I drop the guys home first," Kun informs me, I shake my head, not having a problem with this.

Results Of A Decade Attraction • Moon TaeilWhere stories live. Discover now