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And its Sunday, Sunday night, a night I'd just finished up slurping and biting viciously at the noodles and chicken made for dinner in my home, and now standing in front of my neighbours house, or better known as my second home.

Having spent my teenage years here, even if this was a risky decision both Moon's gave me a spare key to enter and leave their house anytime I needed to study. They welcomed me like their own child, which I was not. But I still gave them the respect they deserved, I still do.

In the second, I welcome myself in their house, using the spare key given, with my school bag slung over my shoulder, and calmly make my way to the living room. Mrs Moon's work space is beside me in the living room, whereas Mr Moon's usually in his study. Taeil, he is everywhere except the living room, and sometimes he's not even at home.

Leaving me in the big and spacious apartment with his parents, but today is different. His parents boarded the plane to Thailand for the business branch in one of the cities yesterday, and Taeil, according to his mother stayed over at a friend's house.

Although he's not here right now, judging by how quiet the house is, he's sure to come back before later this evening. Best before 10pm.

Making my way through the doorway I settle down in the living room, pulling out the books and textbooks I need to study. The house is fairly quiet, just the way I like it when I concentrate, and not even a slight echo when I voice out what I read. It's all just studying and taking down notes in the comfort of my dress and winter jacket, for an hour - three and a half at that.

Hence when my phone dinged, a reminder that its past eleven, I wrap it up with where I last stopped. Finishing up with jotting down quick and easy notes, I close my textbooks, pack my pencils and highlighters, zipping it up in my bag. And when I'm sure I have everything, I take a turn passed the large table, passed the uniquely wide U couch, the TV stand in my way, now making it to the first door in the hallway - the hallway, leading to all the other rooms, including the toilet - the toilet being the first door on my right.

Even though, I know nowhere in this house, like where I can find Taeil's room, his parents room, his dad's study, the bathroom, shower room, laundry room or even the dining room; I am confident to know my way to only the kitchen and toilet. Clearly proving that my motive here is solely for studying and nothing more.

In the toilet, after I've done my business and make my way to the sink, the gushing wind rushing passed my body by the door being fling open forces air out of my mouth. It startles me for the first few seconds until realisation dawns over me.

Taeil. In the navy blue denim jeans his uncle bought for his birthday a year ago, the sunshine coloured t-shirt his mom bought when he turned twenty six, pulled off together with a black belt his secret Santa partner gave him, along with the denim jeans a matching jacket hangs over his shoulder while he keeps a grip on it with his free hand. His dirty blonde dyed hair brightens up the glowing, smooth and clear skin of his deathly handsome face.

It doesn't take a genius to notice the three seconds I spent awing his awesomeness; excluding his eyes - like who looks into the eyes of the definition of beauty? Definitely not me. That's why I'm quick to bow, feeling honoured to be alone in a richly small toilet space. First impressions matter most before anything blossoms, now looking back at our first meeting, he did not give me a chance to introduce myself, leaving our first impression to this moment. This moment.

I bow.

Lightly returning the gesture with a small and almost unnoticeable head bow, he steps in. Clearly not bothered by my presence he drops the jacket and positions himself in front of the toilet - not forgetting to lift the seat. But before his hand slides down his zip, its when realization snaps me out of emotions.

What am I doing in here, when he needs the toilet?

Demanding that I push my legs forward, I bow continuously, even if he can't see me, as I step out into the passage, not forgetting to close the door behind me. He must be confident in his private part, or in his case -an aroused freak- his public part. Brushing off the slightly rude thought I make my way back to my bag, seeing it is just the way I left it a moment ago. So I pull it over both my shoulders and escort myself out.

Results Of A Decade Attraction • Moon TaeilWhere stories live. Discover now