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> 9 missed calls from Kun
>1 missed call from Taeyong
> 32 messages from Kun: ·I'm here. ·Where are you? ·I don't see you outside. ·Are you in a meeting? ·Is your boss talking to you? ·Y/N...[read more]

When rushing to the taxi rank after my night classes, I see the notifications on the bar. Personally, I believe that Kun is simply trying to act out the role of a clueless husband trying to look after his wife. Nevertheless what had happened cannot be undone and now has become a part of my life.

Though something worries me. I fear what Kun may say or do to me by the time I'm home. I do not want him to talk to me moreover raise his hand at me. Those are the last things I can possibly wish do not happen when I get to Kun's house. Reaching the Taxi's stay, it takes a couple of minutes to find one that was willing to go the extra two hours drive from here to another bus station half an hour away from Kun's house.

After being dropped off at the bus stop, I get on to the first bus. I sit in front, knowing that I will not catch attention from here. I focus my attention outside as the bus drives past so many different places. The scenery before my eyes is so distracting that I do not notice the seat beside me is already taken.

What pulls my eyes away from the window is my ringtone sounding loud through my jacket pocket. I pull it out to see the caller ID, only to sigh heavily. It is Kun. When muting my phone to avoid any further calls, I notice the person sitting beside me.

At first I take a side glance over at him, but to my surprise he has the features of Dong Si Cheng. So I turn my head to him, to make sure I surely am not hallucinating. It is him. His eyes are staring down at my phone, and it is obvious that he is staring at the name.

"He's been calling you. Why won't you pick up?" he asks. "Is it because of the picture?"

A shiver runs down my spine at the memory of that stupid group chat, with those stupid people and their stupid pictures. This entire day could not go by without something happening. If it is not the group chat incident, then it is my inbox or missed calls.

I so want to jump out from the window, but my physical strength would not allow me. I know it.

With my head turning away from his, I plan to go by this trip silently without any disruptions whatsoever. Thankfully after five minutes the bus stops three streets away from Kun's house. I step out as quickly as I possibly can, then speed walk to his house.

The watchman opens the gate for me. Then the guards at the door open the front door. I head straight to mine and Kun's room to get changed. My goal at the moment is to be fast asleep before Kun gets back.

Minutes after I freshened up, I notice a silhouette by the little gap under the door, followed by a knock. "Can I come in?" From his raspy tone I am more than sure that it is Huang Xuxi.

I would have ignored if it was someone else, but Xuxi scares me more than Si Cheng and Xiao De Jun. Even though he has no power over me as a person, I fear what the possible outcome of ignoring him can be.

"Yes," I respond.

He pushes the door open and I try to distract myself by pouring some water from my jug into my glass. He sits beside me on the bed and pulls out his phone, scrolling through.

"So Y/N, you know Taeil and Taeyong?"

Licking my lips, I sigh. I do not want to talk about it, nor tell him about it, but maybe if I explain myself to him, he can explain it to Kun. Then maybe, just maybe, he can clear my name from that group.

"I do, and-" I pause when he hands his phone over to me. I gasp in shock at the picture of Taeyong's bruised face. He looks terrible. His face is scratched, his eye is purple, blood is dripping from his forehead and nose, and his lip is busted.

For a moment I think Kun may be the abuser but now he does not care enough for me to actually go ahead and beat his friend up. I ought to assume more culprits, but the next clip Xuxi slides to answers my questions.

Taeil. It is Taeil. He is yelling at Taeyong who is already injured and lying on the floor in a living room. Dong Si Cheng comes into the frame, grabbing the top of the broken beer bottle from Taeil. He says something that is inaudible, but from Taeil's reaction I can only assume he added fuel to fire. Taeil turns to glare at Dong Si Cheng and shoves him, asking; oh you don't think she's important. If it was not for Huang Xuxi, who was filming, coming to intervene I can promise that the burning urge to hit him too was real.

Huang Xuxi stares at me for a moment, then goes on to the next clip.

This clip is before Taeyong is assaulted. He has a beer bottle in his hand and from the looks of it he is more than three bottles drunk. Another man raises his glass for a toast with Taeyong. They toast to 'immoral hoes'. At the exact moment that their glasses clink together, the door is shoved open revealing Taeil and Haechan. Taeil's wasted state moreover, furry sends shivers down my spine, and like that the clip ends.

I stay still, stunned by the displays from Huang Xuxi's phone. It takes me a moment to come to an agreement with myself that I am the cause of this. It is obvious because Taeil had said in the previous video 'you don't think she's important' and if not me, who else could he do that for, especially if the situation is completely different from my current shame.

My heart beats in my ears when I realise that Taeil had beat Taeyong for me, and as far as I see it he did it because I matter. Outside of the incident of Taeyong exposing my nudity, most of me is delighted with defined joy of Taeil caring for me. The contrary to Taeyong's betrayal is Taeil's unexplained affection.

I want to be one with my thoughts for a moment more and ignore Huang Xuxi's presence, but he attracts more than just my eyes with his side glance.

"You know it happened because of you, right?" He questions with a lower voice. The joy in me dies down slowly as soon as I realise that Taeyong had been put into a serious condition because of me, partly. If I do not see the scene as deeply as Xuxi, I should at least make an effort to think of the painful yet fateful outcome. His friends, family and whoever else he might know, they may attack me or Taeil because of Taeyong's condition. Anything can happen.

"I am sorry. I promise," I let out the air in my chest, "I did not mean to... to ruin a friendship."

Huang Xuxi quietly helps himself out of the room, clearly disappointed. The question I ask myself at the moment is if I am the cause to distraction. Since I moved out of my parents house, nothing seems to be going well. It all feels hectic and for a particular reason I do not know of yet, I am the main cause.

I turn my head to see the perfectly wrapped item on my nightstand, the one I have not thought of, nor touched after setting it there. The nasty feeling vanished by a slightly pleasant one from remembering Kun staring at me with affection that night.

Desperate to find out what is hidden behind the wrappers, I tear the paper apart. Seeing the soft duvet of the cover gives me goosebumps.

Results Of A Decade Attraction • Moon TaeilWhere stories live. Discover now