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Time flies by after Y/N walks around, taking herself to different places with different atmospheres. The scenes everywhere she went was beyond new and brilliant to her. She took herself anywhere that her feet would lead her to and anywhere her mind would tell her to go to. She loved everything she saw outside, such as the malls she visited, museums, small street vending shops, fun houses in amusement centers, parks, salons, make-up stores, nail dressing salons, clothing shops; she saw things she never thought she could see with her own bare eyes and she would kill to relive such a dazzling moment like that again.

When the night is young, she hops out of the taxi with all her bags and plastics she got from buying nearly everything that fascinated her eyes. She thinks she looks ridiculous with more than five plastics and bags in both hands, but that's not it. She also believes that she looks ridiculous because of her appearance.

She left the apartment wearing a simple dress that sat on her knees, a simple pony tail, no make-up, jewelry or anything fancy.

But now, she is wearing distressed jeans - with rips on the thigh area, knee area and calf area - that shape her figure to what it looks like; and although she knows her hips are not as defined as models hips, she felt happy seeing herself in a jean for the first time. On the top part of her body, she is wearing a matching colored twist knit sweater. Her once brown hair that is now a dirty blonde is now styled in a waterfall braid with its lower ends dyed denim blue, matching with her sweater and jeans. Her normal flats are now in one of the plastics with her old clothes as she is now wearing coal black ankle boots.

Her bare face is now decorated with make-up and although the make-up is not too dramatic, it is not as simple as she thought. Her pretty red colored lips are almost too glossy for her own liking, but the whole glow up she got for herself today is way more than okay for her own liking.

Her vision - of the fancy and eye blinding bright colors of the color show by the center of the area she's currently in - is also darkened a bit by the classic aviator sunglasses she wears. Not to mention, her newly bought diamond jewels - necklaces, rings, bracelets and earrings - that she wears are twinkling brightly from the glowing lights of the color show.

The passerby's as well as viewers who are thrilled and entertained by the fascinating scene before them cheer in delight. Y/N joins in, cheering as loud as she can at the moment. There is a first time for everything, and seeing how cool it is, she doesn't withstand nor maintain her energy to be amazed by the sight before her eyes. "Yeah! Woo-Hoo!" she screams as loud as the people next to her. For the first time, she willingly avoided the thought of anyone else besides her parents. What they said over the phone made her confident enough to do everything she did today. Not that her parents restricted her from doing all those things - such as wearing make-up, going to amusing places and area, dressing up, wearing pants, getting better dimes and jewels, wearing high heels, spoiling herself with accessories, food and clothes. She just did not find the need to do all of those things because she only wanted to study to make her parents happy. But now, they see her as a grown up, capable of doing whatever she wants.

Today, she feels happy, beyond happy.

Not thinking about Taeil was actually easier than she thought it would be, simply because she was and still is very distracted.

"This is amazing!" she lifts her hands that are full, before putting them back down to her sides when the weight becomes overwhelming to bear. Soon after that, she hurriedly makes her way back to the apartment building, finally having enough of her birthday. She has no pain in her - although at the corner of her peaceful mind and heart, she still longed for Taeil - as today was a dream she believed she should have been in from years ago. She just wanted to go anywhere with herself and enjoy her own company; which she believes and knows that was one of the best ideas she has ever made in her entire life.

Results Of A Decade Attraction • Moon TaeilWhere stories live. Discover now