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Y/N slowly walks, barefoot, up to an idol of a Goddess to one of Kun’s religious beliefs. She looks at her side to Kun and he nods at her. “Put your hands to her feet and go on your knees.” He tells her.

She heaps in a deep breath and gulps down the lump in her throat. She goes down on her knees and places her hands at the feet of the statue figure of the goddess. She watches Kun doing the same action and then she follows him when he clasps his hands together in front of his chest.

“Close your eyes.” He instructs and she follows. “In your heart tell the goddess what your problem is. Be honest and true to yourself, maintain formalities and talk as if you are speaking to the most powerful being in this universe.”

Y/N pulls her lips in before thinking of all her problems that had followed during recent events. She starts from scratch, speaking from her heart in the most honest way possible. She goes on and on, silently mouthing out the words that she says aloud in her heart. She pleads and begs for whatever power the Goddess possesses to restore her Taeil and help him.

After a few minutes, she ends her plea and opens her eyes to see Kun still in the same position with his eyes closed. She keeps quiet, not wanting to interrupt him and whatever he could be praying about.

Sensing eyes on her from behind, she turns her head back, seeing Xiao De Jun and Huang Xuxi removing their shoes while looking at her. They then enter the prayer room, both of them coming forward to touch the feet of the goddess before they move back behind Kun and her, and kneel down.

“Y/N,” she hears Kun whisper to her, still with his eyes closed. She goes back to her previous position with her hands clasped together, her eyes closed with her head facing the front. She hums in response. “Thank the Goddess for keeping Taeil.”

She nods, saying in her head; ‘Thank you Goddess for keeping my Taeil.’

“Now open your eyes and touch her feet.” He tells her and she does exactly as he said. He also touches the feet of the goddess before standing up with Y/N. Only now he notices Xuxi and De Jun behind them.

Gesturing with his hand for Y/N to follow him, he takes the lead and walks out of the prayer room. As they both slip on their shoes and walk out to the hallway leading them to the living room, Kun speaks. “Tomorrow morning, you will show your full dedication to the Goddess. You will take the tray of good hope; fill it with every precious piece of jewelry you own – earrings, bracelets, necklaces – and then you will walk from the nearest rural area to the temple at the top of the hill on the mountain. As you go barefooted through the rocky trail, muddy ground and hard tar; you must pray and hope for the best. Before sunset, you need to reach the temple. From there, I will show you how to offer your dimes as a sacrifice.”

Y/N stares at her hands the whole time, praying that this Goddess will work her powers on Taeil. Perhaps she is being immature by giving a deadline to a goddess, but she sure isn’t going to continue worshipping this goddess if She doesn’t heal Taeil before the end of this week. Three days ago, Kun had influenced her to start praying to his gods and goddesses. From today, she warns herself not to go through with these prayers and rituals after the next four days if this goddess does not work.

In fact the only reason why she is doing this is because all these religious people always have faith in what they believe in and she wants to try it out. Her entire life, religions were just a myth as well as gods and goddesses. Even when she was living with Kun prior to the marriage they would have had, she used to see Kun pray in the prayer room or meditate etc. but she didn’t judge him. She just thought how irrelevant it is to believe in something out of this world, especially since science has already proven how this world was created and formed.

Results Of A Decade Attraction • Moon TaeilWhere stories live. Discover now