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The next day comes, hours going fairly slower than usual for the rest of the afternoon until six in the evening, when I step into Taeil's house. Usually I feel safe and the atmosphere is calming, although the feeling changes when I hear voices in the distance. Furthering into conclusion that Taeil is here with a woman, I feel my shoulders slump down in laziness. Our small interaction yesterday wasn't much, also, it probably meant nothing to him, but to me it surely meant more than a head bow.

For goodness' mercy a man who didn't bother my existence for a decade entered the toilet I was in. He bowed back to me. He looked at me with his eyes. His own dark chocolate, almost ebony coloured irises. It's like a never dreamt dream come true.

That memory alone causes my lips to tug upwards in an ecstatic way, but its short lived when I catch a swift movement in the kitchen, where the low mummers are coming from. Moreover I know it has to be Taeil in there but curiosity kills, as well as anxiety, because I need him to notice me more. Yesterday's scene made a great impact in my life, and even though I know I'm not confident, it's possible that he'll say something to me this time when he sees me.

Therefore without further ado, I carefully leave my bag on the couch likewise, make my way to the kitchen as calmly and naturally as I possibly can. Thoughts of turning back blur my mind when my steps near the white tiled kitchen floor, and I'd be lying if I said I am ready for whatever he'll say to me. Matter of fact, what if he doesn't even say a word to me.

Panic seeps through my skin the way the sun did earlier this morning, but my breath hitches in my throat when Taeil's eyes snap to mine after I've tilted my head to see who's in the kitchen. His eyes are confident and give off a vibe of dominance as he doesn't dare to shift his attention, whereas I am already weak to the knees and my eyes shift nervously under his stare. To add on that, there's someone else, sitting on the counter, looking from Taeil to me. He jumps down and shifts to Taeil's side, unsure of the situation.

Taeil coolly raises an eyebrow at me, and I take it that he wants to know what I want in here. So I open my mouth to answer, but my tongue is love struck and frozen in place, in awe of Taeil's attention. Half of me wants to stay still and not respond, to enjoy this moment, whereas the other half wants to save my dignity and make me look mature enough to respond. All in all, without the halves, I am frozen in place and unable to do anything.

That's until the other guy speaks up, "Oh, bro, she's the one, from the university," His slightly high pitched voice flips me out of silence, and I repeatedly blink to clear my vision when staring at him. Moreover, it doesn't take another genius to figure out that he probably knows me from my university, but me being blank at the moment am utterly confused as to how he knows me from there.

Perhaps he's a student there as well, a student I haven't noticed for years. And as much as I wanted to figure out the situation between Taeil and the guy, my mother's voice echoes in my head: Y/N you need to focus, it's your last year, please my dear.

My mind whirls for a second when the cold grazes my skin, and I start to think more productively. Is this moment more important than studying? If not, then there's no reason for me to waste time like this. As it is, I came here to study.

"Ah," I breath out, "S-"

"Water?" Taeil speaks up before I can excuse myself.

"Pardon?" I squeak out with wide eyes, speechless.

"Nevermind, go." Yawning and drawing his attention away from me like I am some bore, he waves me off. Like trash.

After all that excitement I had since last night to talk and see him, he waves me off like I'm nothing. It had been years, and in a place of showering me with his attention, he seems to push me away - like the decade of not noticing me.

I swallow the shame with my head hanging low as I bow. Eagerly walking to my study spot, I barely notice the foot of the coffee table beside the couch and being victimized, I trip, but I'm lucky enough to catch myself from hitting the ground. If it wasn't enough to suck in front of Taeil, it must be an honour to trip in his house.

The last thing I want is for Taeil to see me, at least for the rest of today. I feel worthless in his presence, something I'd never thought I'd feel when he finally notices me.

In a mix of emotions, I bring my text book to my face, burying the embarrassment of having the guts to look Taeil in the eye. Only special people have such privileges.

At first I thought I just have a running nose, that is until a low sob escapes my lips and I feel my tears slip from my eyes. With clumsy hands the textbook slips from my hand, right in time for me to catch a glimpse of Taeil stepping out of the kitchen with the guy.

I avert my gaze to the door to skillfully wipe my tears in an unnoticeable manner with my lips pulled back. The atmosphere changes to an awkward silence when I feel them stare at me from a distance. I try to avoid the idea of glancing over for a second, but I fail miserably when my eyes meet Taeil's. The simple expression of having his lips slightly apart and his eyes half closed sends shivers down my spine. It takes a second more before I turn my head and proceed to pretend to focus on my notes.

They whisper back and forth, or rather argue back and forth for a while, only until I stand from my seat. Realisation dawned on me, I'm a final year university student and if I stay distracted any longer it'll lead to my own downfall. Gulping nervously I head to the kitchen with water in mind. I need to clear my mind and prepare for real studying without being distracted.

I grab a glass and pour water in it. It takes me a moment to gulp down the entire glass but what distracts me the most is this high pitched squealing coming from the living room. So after rinsing the glass, I step out of the kitchen, meeting the other guy at the side. Its only now that I realise how young and handsome he is - even when he stares at me like a nervous child. However the squealing doesn't come from him.

Turning my head in the direction of the door, I see Taeil wrapping his arms around the lower back of a beautiful lady. When they pull away a low groan escapes my lips when I recognise her. Its Da Yeon, his girlfriend who he's been cheating on with several other girls that'll offer him sex nights in his room while I studied in the living room.

She too isn't innocent behind his back, with all those flings I caught her with in the subway every week. However I can't deny her beauty. Women like her with pale and fair skin are always the ideal types, unlike me with dark skin like EXO's Kai. She has shorter hair than mine and she probably weighed 40kg with those thin arms. She even won the most beautiful woman in South Korea's contest.

"I bought something for you," She bends down, picking up the two bottles of soju in a plastic.

Taeil smiles widely at her, making me glare.

Even though I spent my years in this house studying, I also took down notes of everything that revolved around Taeil, except for his ideal type. All I knew about his ideal type was that she needs to be a confident and fair girl. Despite that I still can't find it in my heart to hate him.

A sigh escapes my lips and I lean on the wall with my arms folded over my chest, patiently waiting for them to descend to Taeil's room. It feels like deja vu all over again, for the 1000th time.

"Are you alright?"

I stand straight, startled by the soft voice of the guy. I must have forgotten that he was here if I clutch my heart the way I'm doing right now.

He too, for a moment, seems startled by my reaction which doesn't last long. I take in his question and nod my head.

"Oh, its because I heard you sigh, so... I thought you weren't fine," He explains, trying to avoid eye contact as much as I do. It's silent between us for a moment until he speaks up, "My name is Donghyuck... but you can call me Haechan," He smiles nervously while bowing.

I return the gesture, although before I can introduce myself I see Taeil leading the way to his room with Dayeon following.

If only he fell for me instead, I'd sit and study with him instead of go to his room. I'm better than her mentally, but he doesn't seem interested one bit.

Huffing and puffing, I walk back to the couch completely forgetting that the boy over there had been expecting an introduction from me... one he'd never get for that matter.

Results Of A Decade Attraction • Moon TaeilWhere stories live. Discover now