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“She is not for you, but for the streets.” Taeyong states then he begins reading the messages out loud. “She responded to Jaehyun saying that she’s better. Then she responded to Jungwoo saying that she misses him too. And she didn’t respond to you.” He informs them.

Si Cheng lowers his head in humiliation. The tears blur his vision but he blinks them away. At this moment he experiences a mixture of feelings, all from the same department relating to misery. He feels his heart being clenched and overwhelmed by the emotions causing him to have short breath. He breathes from his mouth, and it comes out as shaky breathes. When he tries to stand up, he’s pushed back down by both Taeyong and Taeil. He hears the guys’ voices but it’s muffled in his ears.

Taeil and Taeyong sit beside him, patting his back. Some guys gather around and to try voicing out some encouraging words, but the others guys simply state facts. She is for the streets and she is a no good hoe. Si Cheng, unable to control and maintain his tears, leans his head on Taeil’s chest and blocks his face with his hands.

“Man up my guy,” Taeyong pats his back calmly. “Cry for someone who’s worth it.”

Taeil sympathizes with Si Cheng’s feelings, wrapping his arm around his back. “It’s alright, let it out.” He whispers over the muffled sounds of his heavy sobs. He refrains from saying any more since he knows what it feels like to be heartbroken by someone you loved. He refrains from saying any more because he knows that his words will be in vain to the person. He refrains from saying more because he knows the humiliation he must be feeling.

Although the purpose of all the guys gathering together in formal navy blue suits is solely to witness the truth of the relationship status between a couple, Taeil as well as some of the other guys feel that it is humiliating if the female doesn’t respond to her so called lover first. It shames a lot of pride in a person, but there’s nothing they can do about it.

If it is written in the book, it will be done.

At the thought of that, Taeil can’t help but think of Y/N’s religion. He almost feels bad that he isn’t fully committed to it as she is, but he cannot help it when he doesn’t believe in a spiritual god that holds everything in his hand. Not only is it ridiculous but it’s extremely dramatic. Taeil almost felt that the god in the Christian religion wants to be oppressed and show off his so called ‘goodness’. According to Y/N the god sent his son to earth to save everyone from their sins. That son was put into the virgin Mary’s womb and she gave birth to him in an animal’s place. The boy, Jesus, grew up like any normal child except he always preached and praised his father. He performed miracles, such as healing people, making paralyzed people walk again, waking up the dead etc. To Taeil it was just suspiciously preposterous but when Y/N sat and forced him to watch some preachings with her, and when he gave in he put his all in trying to make sense of it.

As the speaker preached, Y/N was fully immersed and kept saying ‘Amen’ whereas he was lost. It was becoming a bit more complicated than he thought because he had so many questions about the process and faith and everything else. He asked Y/N some questions, but she couldn’t answer them all because she didn’t have too much knowledge on it. However she suggested that he goes to ask the pastor in one of the churches around the suburb area that they live in back in Korea.

He didn’t want to but then he remembers how the preacher said something about how pleased the lord becomes when a couple praises him together with heartfelt love and adoration in them. So he went to ask the pastor and the pastor answered in ways that made him understand little by little. He spent at least four hours with the pastor as he tried to wrap his mind around everything the man told him. He’ll never forget that day, not only because he was interested in the religion but also because he felt something in him stir. At the end of their meet up, the pastor prayed for him, even if he asked not to be prayed for, and gave him a book called THE HOLY BIBLE. He hasn’t read it yet, but he schemed through it and in both him and Y/N’s free time he would watch preachings with her.

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