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Taeil on the other hand paces around the block for the ninth time. What Donghyuck did is far from his mind when all that’s in his head is Y/N and the moments that they spent together. When he is in front of their guest house again, he decides to take one more walk around the block, and maybe even pass by a fast food restaurant to buy something for the guys. He kind of feels guilty for snapping at them. He’s at the verge of blaming himself, but he refrains from doing so and thinks about Y/N as he starts his trail around the block once more.


“Taeil,” Y/N calls him as she guides his hands in hers and off of the steel rail he was using to balance himself on. It was his fourth day of training when in the hospital and fortunately his physical condition was becoming better. His trainer agreed for Y/N to help him when she asked to do so, and as a result, here she was, standing in front of him and holding his hands. “You can do it.” She encourages him with a light smile.

When she takes a step back, all his weight is put on her hands that hold his as he tries his very best to take a step forward. He avoids her eyes, looking down at his feet when he takes small baby steps. He looks up at her when he takes a big step, surprising himself. Usually his steps would be four inches ahead of each other, but surprisingly he took a step with a gap of seven inches. “I’m getting…” he holds his breath in as he attempts to take another step when she moves back. When his other foot goes only five inches ahead he still smiles and finishes what he wanted to say. “…better.”

Y/N grins. “I know,”

He uses all his might and strength to pull his leg, but it doesn’t budge, making him have a sad expression. He keeps his head low as he tries to lift his foot. A low groan escapes his lips and he forcefully pushes his leg forward, which causes the muscles by his calve to tighten. The pain sends a hiss of discomfort out of his mouth and he loses his balance, causing him to stumble forward. Y/N strains her legs back to keep him up, since he is balancing on her.

“Taeil,” she calls him with disappointment. His cheek is so close to her and she heaps in a deep breath, trying to step back while keeping him up. “Taeil…” she gasps lowly, holding him closely.

“Sorry,” he mumbles in annoyance.

“Look at me,” she tells him but he just looks at his side where the doctor and the trainer watch them. The trainer approaches them but stops midway when Y/N lets go of one of his hands, putting it on the rail and raising her hand to his cheek. She uses her hand that is on his cheek to make him look at her. “My love I know that you are strong and you can do it, but please don’t force yourself.” She hums at him, nodding her head to persuade him to nod his. With his eyes locked in hers, he slowly nods his head. “I’m here with you, alright? Take as much time as you want because I won’t go anywhere until you have completed this.” She tells him to which he huffs and puffs before lowering his eyes. Pressing her lips together, she leans her head closer before pressing her lips on his. When she moves her head back, his eyes immediately go up to hers. She smiles shyly at him, moving her hand from his cheek to pat his hair to the side. “I love you, Taeil.” She confesses. “And that was my way of showing you how much I believe in your strength. I’ll patiently wait for it to kick in, okay? Don’t force it.” She tells him.

“You won’t judge me?” he asks quietly as if he didn’t want to say what’s bothering him aloud. She nods her head reassuringly, laying her hand on his cheek once more. “You’ll be patient?” he asks and she nods her head. She uses the hand that’s on his cheek to take ahold of the hand she put on the rail. “You’ll stay here with me?” he asks and she brings his hand up to her lips, placing a kiss on the back of his hand.

Results Of A Decade Attraction • Moon TaeilWhere stories live. Discover now