Special Chapter | Part 4

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Tae'an jumps off his seat after finishing his toast and carries the empty dish to the sink. "Thank you, aunty Gyeong Hee." He mumbles while walking past her with his head hanging low. He walks out of the kitchen, takes his school bag that's in the living room and kisses the picture frame of Y/N on the coffee table before going to the main door of the house.

Wanbi, still in her pajamas, hurriedly follows Tae'an after eating her food. She slips on her sandals by the front door while Tae'an ties his shoelaces.

"Did you take your juice bottle?" Wanbi asks when Tae'an opens the house door, and he nods his head. "Cheer up, Tae'an. Daddy said I'll start going to school tomorrow." She beams when Tae'an looks back at her.

"Really?" his eyes widen and she nods her head vigorously. "Yay!" he jumps up, clapping his hands. "Let's wait by the car until aunty Gyeong Hee comes out." He says while taking her hand.

Meanwhile, Taeyong rinses the dishes as Gyeong Hee clears the counters. Once they're both done they head towards the door. He opens the door for her and she walks out. She stops midway, resting her hand on her head. "Wait I forgot the car keys," she says to Taeyong.

"Oh," Taeyong shakes his head. "I left the keys by the car door." He lies.

"Taeyong, I told you to stop doing that." She shakes her head, turning to walk away.

"Actually," Taeyong says before she walks away. She turns back to him, attentively looking at him. "Taeil's in the car." He informs her and her eyes widen, instantly whipping in the direction of the car. Tae'an and Wanbi are giggling in front of the car, barely noticing the figure in the car. With fragile eyes on the kids, the sides of Taeil's lips go up into a small smile.

A smile breaks out on Taeyong's lips as he shoves his hands in his pockets. "Have a nice day," He says, reviving her mind that's in daze from seeing Taeil after so long.

She doesn't turn her head back, only muttering a low 'bye' as she takes slow steps towards the car. Taeil, noticing movement towards the car diverts his attention from the kids to Gyeong Hee. She feels her heart stop for a second and she halts in her steps, not believing her eyes. Taeil presses his lips together and braces himself as he opens the car door and steps out carefully.

This morning when he got out of bed, he took the decision to make an effort in presenting himself as the Taeil they knew before Y/N's death. He shaved his facial hair, brushed and parted his hair by his forehead, and dressed decently. And when he looked in the mirror, aside from his heavy eye bags and drained face, he looked just as good as before.

Tae'an and Wanbi were seconds away from screaming, assuming a thief was in the car the whole time until they see and recognize the man as Taeil. "Papa?" Tae'an's eyes widen and he exaggeratedly widens his mouth. Taeil turns his eyes to Tae'an and Wanbi. A small smile comes over Taeil's lips as he stares at his son. A rush of emotions comes over him as he stares at the two children dearly. After Y/N, the two of them were his pride, his everything, his driving force and his will to live. Therefore seeing them brings back so many memories and it makes his heart ache from how much he missed them both.

He bends down a bit and opens his arms to which they both run to him and engulf him in a hug. He hears their voices mumbling incoherent words and he pays no mind to what they say as he apologizes and presses his lips against their heads. When they pull away, Wanbi holds onto his shoulders before leaning in and giving him a kiss on the cheek. He tilts his head a little and puts his hand under her chin sweetly. "I love you, dear." He says to her.

After a moment, Tae'an calls, "Papa,"

Taeil turns to him and his lips that are pressed together go higher into a wider smile. "My favorite boy," he calls him, bringing his hand to pat Tae'an's hair. "You look all dressed for school." He says and Tae'an frowns before quickly smiling, trying to hide his sadness. "I'll be with you at school today, yeah."

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