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Taeil chews on the meat, every bite meaningful. I stare at him blankly allowing the thoughts in my head to get the best of me. Pardon me for taking note of this but these are the last four days of freedom that I have before I am chained to a ring on my finger. Today is also the day I will be writing my last exam and due to the 6pm curfew, I cannot think straight. The feeling is nerve wrecking.

Then we have last night's drunk Kun who would not let me study in peace. I had to get a taxi to bring me to work and when I got here, the three other people in my section would not stop asking how I wrapped Taeil around my finger. Somehow they found out that Taeil took me to my parents house and from there we went to the pizza restaurant.

"So, your last exam," Taeil begins right after gulping half of his drink, "It's today, yeah?" Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I focus my attention on the young man, Mr Moon's son. With a heavy sigh, I bob my head up and down. "Hyuck too." he adds, more to himself than me. I have no idea as to who Hyuck is. As far as I'm concerned he has a friend named Donghyuck, so could Hyuck be his nickname. "Do this. Tell Kun he doesn't have to pick you, I'll do it instead." Taeil winks at me and I clutch my heart as if the action hit right on the spot. He is amazed by my behaviour, after all he has only just started taking interest in me. "Seriously?" he raises a brow at me, amused by my actions.

My smile soon dies down when I remember the exam is in a couple of hours. I shift my attention to the lady on my side. Her eyes move from time to time, watching Taeil and I then looking at her food. For the past three days, she behaved similarly, especially since Taeil is here. No doubt that his amazingness left an impact to the women working here.

"Anyway, don't stress. Take it from me, your one and only Moon Tae Il. You'll do fantastic."


It is almost time. A minute left on the clock until it strikes 11pm - the end of the exam, the very last exam of the year. Gathering my papers and submitting the documents saved in Word from the desktop to the school, I wait patiently for the announcement.

Seconds after, it comes and the president announces. The President speaks about the exam, congratulating us and wishing us all the best.

The bell rings and I remain seated, hoping to recollect myself. It feels like my spirit had just jumped out of me. And I am not sure if it is because I do not have to stress anymore or because I am scared of having to see my results at the end of the next two months. I stay seated a bit longer, hoping to wait out the crowd of people stampeding their way to the door. When all is clear, I stand up and trudge out the classroom and into the luminous hallway.

New Message from Kun
Kun: I hope you wrote your exams well. And I saw the apology letter you sent me. I forgive you, alongside that I'm asking for your forgiveness too.

I did well, thank you. I forgive you too. I'll be back home soon, my friend is probably outside by now.

Are you sure you don't want me to pick you up?

Please don't stress, my friend will bring me back safely.

Ok then. Your banana porridge will be ready by the time you return.

Thank you.

He is considerate.

My eyes are glued to the floor with every step I take, until I come out of the building. Distracted by the patterns on the concrete floor, I do not take notice of Taeil's car next to the sidewalk outside the Uni's main gate, until he honks. So, I quickly walk up to the white vehicle. Taeil being a gentleman decides to walk around to my side and open as well as close the door for me.

Results Of A Decade Attraction • Moon TaeilWhere stories live. Discover now