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After taking a cool shower for about twenty minutes, I fitted back into the clothes I wore before. By the time that I got out of the washroom I found majority of the guys awake, excluding the ones who drank beer, dishing up from the food prepared by Jaehyun and Jaemin. Johnny dished up for me and escorted me out to the backyard by the swimming pool area. We sat by the veranda, together with Haechan, Sungchan, Xuxi and Yang Yang. For majority of the time spent outside, both Yang Yang and Xuxi spoke about the fine weather and how pleasing it is, whereas Johnny, Haechan and Sungchan spoke about the movie they watched in the theatre room. Sungchan and Haechan tried to include me into their conversation but I was reluctant to it until they stopped.

A while later, Jaehyun came to call me after he received a message from Taeil who said the person he sent to fetch me will be here in a minute. It's only ten minutes to 8am and I am stunned by the exhilaration coursing through my veins. I can't wait to see Taeil and I can't wait to interact with him. Yesterday I was so worried, therefore the idea of seeing him after the person he sent to fetch me takes me home is by far the most anticipated moment right now. Jaehyun leads me to the door and I follow him, hot on his hells. It is at this moment when he opens the door that I feel the most excited than I've ever felt since yesterday. Finally, I can leave this messed up house with cruel men.

Jaehyun leans back against the door, creating space for me and I cautiously go down the stairs of the front porch. Oh, how happy I am to get out of that house and see the daylight. But I pause entirely when my eyes recognize the familiar car. My breath hitches in my throat when the person comes out. A soft and charming smile rises to his lips when he looks at me. Earlier today I thought Taeil would send Taeyong, but who was I kidding? The long walking distance from Jaehyun's place to Kun's place could have caused Taeyong - who is already injured and isn't in his healthiest state - some broken bones, especially in the knee areas due to all the bending his knees do when walking. Then I thought he would send Kun, because why not?

Never for a moment did I assume, in in the slightest, that Taeil would come personally to fetch me.

Meanwhile when I peek into the house, Chittaphon who had woken up from a hangover lazily walks passed the front door and sees the last person on his mind. He sees Taeil and his face runs pale in an instant. At first I thought that he saw a ghost, just as much as I thought I was hallucinating Taeil's presence at this moment. But little do I know that he's receiving flashbacks from how the guys treated me last night and how Jaehyun suggested that I list and report their names to Taeil.

"Taeil...?" I mumble out his name in bewilderment and my hand rises to cover my lips. It's as if time slows down when I watch him walk towards me with so much grace and perfection. When he is close enough, with an estimated eight inches away from where I stand, he stops walking and stands with us. My eyes follow his eyes that take in my entire being - using his precious time to admire my outfit. It doesn't take long before he notices my hands that are at my sides balling in excitement. He looks up at me and my heart skips a beat ever so suddenly. When our eyes meet he tucks his hands in his pockets and drops his shy eyes to the ground. And as flustered as he is, he kicks at the invisible ball that I remember Taeyong mentioning in the phone call they had hours ago.

"Gross," Taeil and I peer at Jaehyun who pretends to throw up. "I don't know what's worse. Taeil going soft or him blushing?" the side of Jaehyun's lip twitches up in disgust and he lazily rolls his eyes to the side.

Taeil only chuckles and right after that he turns his attention back to me. I see the way he softens down when he gazes at me. "Hi, Swan." He drags his greeting, similarly to how he did in the phone call.

"Hi Taeil," I respond back in a hasty manner, looking away as I begin feeling embarrassed. Why is this so hard? Over the phone the nickname that he gave me had a certain heartwarming feeling- and I don't mean 'had' to misinterpret myself or anything, because I love the nickname wholeheartedly. Yet, having to see him and have this face to face interaction right now reminds me how real this is. And for one, I personally feel that this is a bit too real for me. I've always wanted his attention, for ten years, but having it given to me is just nerve wrecking and I honestly don't know how else to react.

Results Of A Decade Attraction • Moon TaeilWhere stories live. Discover now