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Taeil watches his parents sit beside him on the seats provided; across them is Taeil’s therapist, holding up a smile.

“Good morning Mr Moon, Ms Moon.” She bows her head to the parents of her patient, pleased to see them. As it is, the relatives of a patient should be called in for check-ups every three weeks or end of the month to see if there is any progress with the patient on rehabilitation. “I’m glad that you could make it today.”

Responding to her greetings, they bow their heads. Taeil’s mom looks to her son, smiling proudly at him. She pats his hair, appreciating the soft smile that he gives her.

“We received the documents of your son, Moon Taeil’s behavioral profile for the week. The behavioristic psychology analyst was pleased to hand in this week’s results. You may have a look,” The therapist smiles, handing them the documents in the green portfolio file. Mr Moon takes the file, scheming his eyes through the filed papers. He roams his eyes, reading the printed introduction and two bodies (paragraphs) of Taeil’s daily treatment. He sees the previous week’s graph of how Taeil responds to his therapy and intense treatment sessions. Then, following after, he sees the graph of this week’s results on Taeil’s response to the treatments and therapy sessions.

He reads through the last page which had the conclusion that was rounded by the analyst who observed Taeil during his courses with the therapists and nurses.

Taeil’s mom, Ms Moon, who read through the file together with her husband, grins, seeing that their son is improving dramatically. “He’s improving.” She comments, proud that their son is doing his best.

The therapist nods, approving the comment. She adds, “Yes he is, indeed. He is improving every day.”

Taeil looks down at his slippers, nodding his head in appreciation. He, too, is grateful to hear that he is improving. He took the advice he got from Taeyong as well as his parents and put it to good use. Although he is improving for Y/N, he is also improving for himself. He wants to change, he really does. He wants to leave this institution as quickly as possible, but he wants to leave it as a changed man. He wants to leave it like a man who swore to never come back, completely.

“I believe that these sessions here are extremely important for many people,” Mr Moon states, shifting his attention from the papers to his son who was looking back at him. “My son being one of them.” He smiles at his son, earning a smile back. He then looks at his wife, asking with his eyes if she wanted to say something.

“It’s been a very positive experience since Taeil was moved from the previous therapist to you. You have been there and helped a lot for the past weeks. You supported him and made it feel like there is light in a tunnel.” She smiles appreciatively at the therapist who is flattered by the praises given by Taeil’s mom. Ms Moon looks over at her son and pinches his cheeks. “I’m proud of you, my little boy.”

Mr Moon laughs, seeing his son’s shy smile growing on. Before, when his wife would be affectionate towards Taeil, he would be happy, of course, even if people were watching, he did not care. But a shy smile? He has never brought up those types of smiles.

Taeil was truly experiencing new feelings.

Meanwhile, on Y/N’s side; she watches Taeyong sit across her, eating the food she made joyously. He is so distracted by the food that he is rapidly slurping on, that he can barely hear what Y/N is saying. Only when she calls his name twice and asks if he was listening, does he set the bowl down and ask her to repeat what she has been saying for the past few minutes.

Although, for the past two days that he has been coming to their apartment and having small talks with Y/N before going to Johnny’s room for hours, Y/N still does not consider him as a friend. He is still Taeyong, and to her, he is just a friend of Taeil that wants to talk occasionally with her.

Results Of A Decade Attraction • Moon TaeilWhere stories live. Discover now