Special Chapter | Part 2

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"Papa," Tae'an taps his small hand on Taeil's shoulders. "Papa," he calls again, only to no avail. "Papa,"

From 11am to 1pm, Taeil was deeply immersed in the reality brought by the memories he has of Y/N. After the guys and ladies ate, majority of them gathered in the living room. Some settled down on the floor, others get comfortable on the luxurious L couches and others stand around. The guys would mumble their condolences to Taeil and he would unconsciously hum in response. In doing so, where they give their condolences, they reminisce over the good memories that they had with Y/N. Taeil is numb and deaf to everything that leaves their lips. He enjoys the pleasure filled memories of Y/N and continues to hold on to them as he stares at the beautiful picture frame of her.

As more and more memories filled his brain, he doesn't feel the tapping on his should nor can he hear his son's voice. Gyeong Hee tried to stop Tae'an before he could disturb Taeil, but the young boy stubbornly ran past her and started tapping his shoulder. The guys and ladies silenced down and all their focus runs to Tae'an and Taeil. They all anticipated this moment, eager to hear Taeil's voice and his response to what Tae'an has to say.

"Papa," Tae'an whines louder as he shakes Taeil's shoulder to gain his dad's attention. Just as he is about to repeat the action again, Taeil turns his head in the direction of his son. As if he has just been pulled out of a trance, his eyes are widened and he looks around him to see the guys and ladies gathered around. He notices that the TV is on and displays a soccer match, but he doesn't pay mind to it any further because Tae'an speaks up. "Papa, can you hear me now?" Tae'an asks while going on his knees so that he's at eye level with Taeil. Taeil doesn't respond, but Tae'an takes his attention as a response, so he goes on to asking his question. "I saw mummy's phone on the table next to her side of the bed. Can I use it, please?" he asks softly while putting his hands together.

"Huh?" Taeil frowns in confusion, making an attempt to wrap his mind around everything that has just happened.

Tae'an gives Taeil the innocent eyes as he proceeds. "Since our iPad is broken, mummy always allowed Wanbi and I to use her phone when we're done eating. Aunty Gyeong Hee gave all of us food and Wanbi and I finished our food. So since we're finished, can we use mummy's phone?" he begs again, this time puckering out his bottom lip cutely for Taeil.

"Mhmm," Taeil hums, giving permission for his son to use Y/N's phone. Although he is beyond confused, all the events that took place from the day Taeil rushed Y/N to the hospital to this very moment right now replay in his head like a vintage recorder. "Y/N?" He mumbles out her name while watching his son jog up the stairs. He remembers when her contraction started around 9am on the 22nd. It was one week before her due date but he was already rushing her to the hospital. The contractions were so bad that she cried for hours and hours on end, barely getting a moment to breath. Taeyong called and told Taeil that he was going together with Gyeong Hee to fetch the children from Jeonju-si where they spent the week for holiday with Taeyong's parents. Taeil told Taeyong to keep him updated and then they bid each other goodbye. During the afternoon hours that day, Y/N felt better and Taeil made her talk about her favorite things before singing her to sleep. She slept for a few hours before waking up in the evening when the contractions kicked in.

He remembers her continuous moans and groans of pain before she said she wanted to talk to Tae'an, and by that time it was 11pm, and it would take three hours from their location in Jeonju-si to arrive at the hospital that Taeil and Y/N were in. Then he remembers the three hours long process that it took for Y/N to deliver their baby. "My... my baby..." Taeil mutters as his fingers lightly brush his lips in shock. He remembers every single word that left her lips as she laid on that bed, before she took her last breath. "Y/N..." he lets out her name through his trembling voice as he roams his tear filled eyes along the picture frame that sat on the table at eye level with him.

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