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Third Person's POV

The street lamp flickers. The Saturday night is a bit chilly and eerie with the full moon covered by the clouds. It's about to rain and it makes the surroundings darker than it is supposed to be. Y/N hates being out at night, and she hates the dark, but at this point it feels like the only thing that can actually relate to her inner feelings. She holds the plastics in her hand, walking lazily back to the apartment. She was out buying the monthly groceries and is currently making her way back to the apartment. Johnny, being a gentleman, offered to buy groceries - especially when needed at night - but because he has flu at the moment, Y/N took up the duty.

In moments like this, when she's alone in a quiet area, she always finds herself thinking back to her life in Korea. Thinking back to a month ago where she was side by side with Taeil, she remembers herself naively believing that they'd be together for a long time. But due to circumstances she isn't by his side, and has to comprehend the situation for the next few months. Nevertheless, she can't stop the train of memories and thoughts. After meaning nothing to Taeil for a decade, she finally mastered up the courage to tell Taeil that she loves him. She was so grateful to him for taking her to the sea the night of the 'New employees of Intel Corporations' gathering, for talking to her and asking her to confess. Everything was going well ever since. But when a day of anticipation came - the day that decides whether Kun and Y/N would actually get married - the reaction of destiny towards Taeil and Y/N about to have a chance to fall in love was terribly heartbreaking.

Distance became their barrier.

Y/N became heartbroken ever since then. So, she does her best, every day, to forget about everything; be it her parents, education, life in South Korea, Taeil, Taeyong- she just wants to forget everything. Every day she hopes that she can erase every single event from the past ten years of her life. Seeing Johnny every day not only reminded her of Taeil, but also her mistake of sending her nudes to Taeyong who eventually sent it to his group of horny friends. On top of that, Johnny still interacts with his group of friends every single day, either ate at night or early in the morning. To her surprise, even if she had never dared to lay a finger on Johnny's phone or ask him about Taeil, it seems that Taeil is away from them because when Johnny decides to chat through voice messages, Y/N sometimes hears the guys saying they miss Taeil.

She misses him too and no matter how hard she tries, she will always miss him. But she does not want to. Matter of fact, she does not even want to love him anymore.

Working in Chicago was harder than Y/N expected, especially since she was surrounded by people, also known as her fellow section mates, who had a problem with her attitude. They are neither workaholic nor work oriented. They always talk, nonstop. And they expect Y/N to join them in the conversation. Y/N, on the other hand, tends to ignore their chattering and invites, but that was not so much of a good idea as it soon made her a victim to criticism and name calling. Her so called mysterious behavior not only made them give her raunchy names, but it made the perverted guys follow her. If it had not been for Johnny, by now Y/N would have already been raped twice by her male section mates. The attraction that the guys in the company have towards her makes her think about Taeil and what he would do if he was there.

In conclusion, no matter what she does, no matter where she is and where she goes, he is always on her mind and she naturally finds herself wanting to be near him. If she doesn't figure out how to control this, she will never be able to forget that she met and fell heads over heels for a man named Taeil.

Little does she know, Taeil's excessive thoughts about her is the reason why she is always thinking of him.

On Taeil's side in the rehab center, it isn't until the sun begins to lighten up the sky with its rays piercing through the curtains that covered the window that Taeil begins to feel the weight of staying up all night sink into his rigid body. He remains still under the covers, not daring to poke his head out. Sleeping in isn't part of the rehab program and the nurses make sure that they stick to that rule every single day. By 7am, they make their ways to all the patient's rooms and wake them up with gentle tones while whispering 'rise and shine' in their ears. For stubborn patients like Taeil who refuse the gentle morning whispers of either male nurses or female nurses, he is dragged out of bed in the calmest way possible.

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