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I become so distracted with thoughts that flood my head that I don't notice the tears sitting at the brim of my eyes when I unlock the car and sit inside. Taeyong sent my nudes and twisted up the story in a group chat filled with guys like himself. This is another reason for me to hate socializing, otherwise I would have stayed in the house. However, Doyoung was by far the worst of all the men, Jungwoo following right after. So considering what Jaehyun said about reporting them to Taeil does not seem like a bad idea. Nevertheless, I am glad that I left that environment, above all even more glad that I am far away from everyone.

I let out a long sigh, ridding all thoughts from my mind. I stare blankly at the neighborhood, unsure of my current mental and emotional feelings. I do not know if I am troubled mentally, hurt emotionally or simply confused in general. Furthermore, I do not even know if I am in the right to have any emotions for the trivial matter in the house. Taeil is out with both Kun and Taeyong, in addition to that they may be in a crisis - all that trouble for only God knows what. I should be in panic for them, mostly Taeil, because from what I have noticed about Kun's father is that he is a controlling perilous man.

Taeil could be in trouble and I am sitting here in a car. I should do something. I should—

A light knock on the window jolts me – not even twenty minutes and I already have a visitor.

"Y/N," he sings my name. I look at the window, seeing the last person on my mind. In an instance, I unlock the car and hop out.

"Taeyong, your face...?" my eyes widened at the sight of his busted lip and bruised cheek. The only thing I wind up thinking about is Taeil. "Where's Taeil?" I ask anxiously, panic creeping up on my face.

He clicks his tongue, knowing exactly why I'm asking about Taeil. "Your lover boy isn't as weak as I am." he states. "But to answer your question, he's with Kun, still getting some work done."

I look behind Taeyong at the house, seeing the door wide open with Johnny watching us. I assume he told Taeyong that I was in the car, but I wonder when did Taeyong come and why he came alone.

"Where is he?" I ask, putting emphasis on the 'where'. "What work? Is he okay? Why didn't he come with you? And Kun, is he fine—?"

Taeyong puts his hand on my arm, sending shivers down my spine. "First, let's go inside. I don't trust this neighborhood." he looks around.

I shake my head, taking a step back. With a short breather, I refuse. "I don't want to."

"Then you won't know what happened." he argues calmly with his natural smug look. "The bastards in that house want to know what happened, just as much as you do. So stop delaying me, because I do have to go back."

"Back where?" I ask.

"To the station obviously, where I left Taeil and Kun." he explains, getting a little irritated by my attempt to delay him. He turns around, walking up the porch stairs, "Come on, stop trying to be alone." he looks back at me, not taking another step until I move. Taeyong walks a few inches in front of me, leading us to the living room. Differing from the time I left to now, the living room is full and crowded. I bet it is all the guys gathered up in here to hear Taeyong. Taeyong looks back at me with a proud smirk. "This is my group," he puts out his bandaged hand out to introduce the group to me, "besides Wuolai of course."

As unfazed as I am to the introduction, and embarrassed to stand near him, I ask with a straight voice, "You didn't want me to delay your time, so don't delay mine. Let's sit." I say bitterly. I'm not one to hold grudges but after what he did I can't hold my poisonous tongue back. I notice the guys' attention dawning on Taeyong and I, giving me goosebumps. Lord knows what they are thinking seeing me with the man who sent my nudes and said in the group chat that I wanted his attention.

Results Of A Decade Attraction • Moon TaeilWhere stories live. Discover now