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Clearing his throat Taeil walks up to the bedroom mirror in his and Y/N’s room. He has with him a thick A4 paper that has Y/N’s photograph on it. He nods his head to himself in a reassuring manner as he sticks the paper onto the mirror at eye level. “Okay,” he says to encourage himself as he rubs his hands together and positions himself in front of the mirror.

He gulps quietly and attempts to stare deeply in the eyes of the attractive photo of his loving wife. But he can’t help when his gaze shies away from staring too long at her beauty. He sucks his lips and tilts his head to the side while glancing up. He reminds himself that it’s just a picture and that he shouldn’t be nervous. After all, he should save his nerves for tonight, 11pm, the first night that breaks whatever wall that stands between their romantic relationship.

“Y/N,” he calls her sincerely as he looks up, into her eyes. “My Swan,” he nods his head approvingly at his words. “You know, the eleven months that we’ve been living together as an engaged couple has come down to this… the twelfth month of our relationship. Wait… no… I mean this is the end of our first month of being an official couple, urgh… no. Actually Y/N,” he gulps, struggling to formulate his fluff speech. “You see, you are fantastic. And when I look into your eyes, I just feel like kissing you.” He resists the urge to shake his head at himself, pushing himself to go on with the flow. “Like…” he sighs, dropping his head in disappointment but lifting it back up when his inner voice tells him to go on. “Like this,” he puts his hands out closely to the picture as if cupping her cheeks. He then leans in closer and puckers his lips, preparing to kiss her picture passionately.

“Taeil—” the feminine voice of Gyeong Hee wafts through the air as she pushes Y/N and Taeil’s bedroom door open. But she cuts herself shortly when she witnesses Taeil doing what he is doing.

His eyes open and his pupils dilate when he sees Gyeong Hee by the doorway, just watching him in a frozen state. He immediately leans back and curses to himself as he turns around to face her. She raises a brow at him and he simply puts up a smile.

Meanwhile, when Taeyong sees Y/N’s left hand with the gold, diamond ring flipping past the different lingeries in the section, he holds her hand. “Y/N,” he calls her and she instantly whines.

“I’m sorry Taeyong.” She apologizes nervously as she hyperventilates, and starts to stomp her feet. “I’m just so excited and nervous. I’ve been anticipating this day but now that it’s here I really just want to turn back time to mine and your wife’s bachelorette outing.” She puts her hands on Taeyong’s shoulders, dramatically moping and not worrying about the looks she gets from the people in the store. “I just can’t let him see my body yet,”

Taeyong puts her hands on Y/N’s shoulders. “Yes, you can.” he nods his head at her, rolling his eyes. “Now pull yourself together. The people that took pictures with us a couple minutes ago are now looking at us like mad people.” he informs Y/N who could care less about that. “And Gyeong Hee was right,” he nods his head, tilting his head away from Y/N. “You’ve been overreacting like a motherfucking headless chicken.” He mutters more to himself.

When they returned back to Korea from their flight from Hong Kong, Gyeong Hee told Taeyong about Y/N’s eagerness and excitement for her pillow talk with Taeil. She also told him how Y/N had been talking dirty nonstop. Fortunately on their wedding day, things were different. Instead of sounding horny as hell when talking to either Gyeong Hee or Taeyong, she sounded terrified as fuck.

Although she had been gleeful and excited about entering the stadium-like alter in which the double wedding was taking place in, she couldn’t help but feel tense. Majority of her tension came from the excitement of finally getting married to Taeil on the same day, same place and same time as Gyeong Hee and Taeyong. Whereas minority of it came from the anxiety of having all the flashing cameras as well as the invites and guests eyes on her.

Results Of A Decade Attraction • Moon TaeilWhere stories live. Discover now