Imagine you pull a all nighter

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Luke: you and the girls were watching movies while the boys were out the one direction boys the one direction girls were with you you guys wanted a girls night that's why you guys didn't go to the club with them wanting just you girls to hangout together for once it was 3 in the morning the boys walked in and saw you girls were still up luke said "Sierra you're dealing with her tude tomorrow." Sierra said "she choose to be up this late if she has a tude that's on her." You said "I did we're pulling a all nighter I'll be fine trust me I'll sleep most of the day anyways." They agreed to stay up with you guys for the rest of the night you ended up falling asleep at 6:00 in the morning when you woke up the next day they were all still asleep so you went back to sleep.

Calum:you and the guys plus the girls and one direction boys and girls decided to pull a all nighter calum said "you're so not going to make it." You said "we'll see." And peaked his lips then you guys stayed up chatting and watching movies and cuddling with Calum of course you guys also watched shows you ended up falling asleep at 4:00 Sierra said "I knew it she would be the first one out but surprised she lasted that long." Amelia said "surprised she lasted that long good for her." Calum left you on his lap when you woke up the next morning everyone was still asleep accept harry who couldn't do it either you said "what time did you make it till?" He said "5:30 went for a run been up ever since." You said "impressive styles." He smiled then handed you a coffee and he had one too you guys chatted till the rest got up.

Ashton: you and the girls and the one direction girls were waiting for the boys to come home cause they still weren't home yet at midnight they didn't come home till 3 in the morning you said "were you guys actually at the studio till now." Ashton said "yeah we needed to finish the album so we did you guys could have went to sleep." You said "I had to make sure you came home safe." Kaykay said "you know how she gets she would have Anxiety knowing you guys weren't home safe." Ashton smiled and said "we're home safe go to sleep."you said "mmm no I'm pulling a all nighter I made it this far." Then at 6:00 you fell asleep you woke up the next morning to everyone sleeping still you went back to sleep.

Michael: you didn't feel like going out tonight so you stayed home and watched icarly they got home at 2:00 Crystal said "couldn't sleep." You said "didn't sleep cause I'm sucked into icarly it's so good."They laughed and Watched it with you for the rest of the night then you fell asleep at 6:00 you woke up to them still asleep too you went back to sleep.

Imagine/BSM part 4❤️Where stories live. Discover now