BSM: you go to stay with your internet friend

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Luke:(age:16): you talked to a girl from England you guys got really close she invited you to come out and see her Luke wasn't sure about it but Sierra told him you would be fine since she lived by Harry and he can pop in and check on you she was his neighbor but you didn't know that until you got there and saw her mom talking to his mom you waved his mom said "oh my gosh yn you've gotten so old how are you?!?!" And hugged you you said "I'm good how are you." She said "I'm good." Then your friend gave you a tour of where she lived it was beautiful you loved every moment of it but of course Luke called you whenever he got the chance he was so worried when you were fine your friend even spoke to him and said you were safe he was then less worried after seeing how sweet she was you had a blast.

Ashton:(age:17): she lived in New York you were staying with her for the show you guys had front row tickets and backstage passes you guys arrived and you said "see ash nothing to worry about." Your friend said "holy shit toally forgot he was your brother but yeah she's amazing and she's in good hands." Put her arm over your shoulder He said "alright I trust you and I like you." She smiled and then you guys chilled with them until the show started you girls had a blast and Ashton was greatful she was so nice and good.

Michael:(age:18): he was gay and you guys became best friends over Twitter Michael was ok with it since him and the boys were going to be in Australia at the same time you were going funny enough you guys were going to their meet and greet your guy friend said "I forgot he's your brother." You laughed and said "yeah he is but he's fine with this." Then you guys talked to them for the rest of the day and hung out with them you were having a blasted and loved every moment of it.

Calum:(age:19): you were going to see Harry with your friend in Canada Calum was fine with you going trusting this girl and trusting Harry would let him know you're ok and he did and Harry was watching you the whole night he was also around your area all night and you got to go backstage and hangout with him too your friend said "are you famous? Cause why is Harry treating you like this? I'm love it but find it werid. He's acting like he knows you."You laughed and said "no my brother is but he's very protective over me so he had Harry watch me while I'm here that's why we are getting special treatment and my brother is friends with him." She said "that makes sense now I'm loving all of this but I was wondering why we were getting special treatment." You laughed and said "yeah it's fun." Then you guys enjoyed the rest of the night and your trip.

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