BSM: you get your drivers license

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Luke:(age:16): you had your test today the girls and one direction girls were taking you you had a good feeling you got in the car and did everything the person told you to do and they said you passed you were so happy you ran out and said "I passed!!" The girls hugged you and congratulationed you and you drove to pick up the boys at the studio Louis said "no fucking way she passed." You said "I did get in losers we're getting food." They got into the car and luke said "so proud of you." You smiled and said "thank you." Then you guys went to get food it felt so good to drive.

Calum:(age:17): they didn't know you had your test today you wanted to surprise them when you got your license which you did get you were so excited you drove to the studio to pick everyone up Sierra said "how are you driving?!?!"you said "I passed my test I had today surprise!!!" They were so happy for you calum said "so proud of you sis." You smiled and said "thank you." Then you guys went to get food since you guys were hungry it felt so good to drive.

Ashton:(age:18): you failed 3 times didn't expect to make it this time but you did you were so happy you drove home and said to the boys and girls "get in losers were going shopping this girl finally passed." Ashton said "thrid times a charm."You laughed then you guys drove to the mall you were so happy you finally got your drivers license this was the best day ever.

Michael:(age:19): when he saw your driving he said "no way congrats." You said "thank you now get in I want food." The boys and girls got in they were so proud of you and you were so happy to finally be able to drive on your own you had so much freedom now but of course Michael gave you rules for the car and what you can and can't do but it was ok.

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