BSM:you runaway to him on tour

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Luke:(age:11): you couldn't take being away from your brother so you took some money and used your parents plane ticket account and got yourself a ticket to California where their first show was you flew all the way from Australia by yourself you left a note for your parents telling them you were going to be with him you couldn't take not seeing him anymore you arrived at the airport and saw Sierra there you ran to her she caught you and said "this was so dangerous your parents are happy you ran here but their not happy you did this without telling them." You said "I couldn't take it anymore I wanted Luke so I came here but now he doesn't want to see me cause he's mad at me now." You looked down sadly Sierra sighed and said "he does still want to see you just don't do this again your parents said you can stay with him and get homeschooled." You squealed in excitement you saw Luke and ran to him he said "never do this again but I'm happy you did I missed you so much." You said "I won't but I missed you so much." Then you guys headed to the tour bus.

Calum:(age:12):you were getting bullied in school and didn't want to be there but your parents wouldn't allow you to go see Calum so you took that into your own hands used their credit card got a ticket to New York where they were and flew there you left your parents a note telling them where you were so they wouldn't worry you arrived and Calum was there he hugged you and said "never do this again but the parents said you can stay with me for the time being since you are getting bullied and it's better for you to get homeschooled anyways." You said "I won't do this again and thank you I'm sorry for not telling you I didn't want you to worry." He said "I'll always worry you're my little sister." Then you guys headed to the tour bus.

Ashton:(age:13): you were a rebel didn't even tell your parents you went to go see Ashton but they found out cause of their credit card they called him and said that he can keep you you arrived he didn't look happy you said "I wasn't staying in that house anymore." He said "you're stuck with me and the boys we won't be going easy on you either you gotta shape up your act and act better than you are."You said "ok I will I'm sorry I missed my big brother." He said "I missed you too but never run away again." You said "I won't I love you." He said "I love you too I'm happy you're safe and sound here with me." Then you guys headed to the tour bus.

Michael:(age:14): your boyfriend and you had a horrible break up so you told your parents you were going to go with Michael on tour they didn't like that idea but that didn't stop you they called him and told him what you did when you arrived he said "why?" You said "nice to see ya too after 7 months that's one way to greet someone." He said "I'm sorry I'm happy you're here I just don't get why you disobeyed our parents you never do." You said "cause my boyfriend and I are going through a horrible break up and I can't deal with him anymore I needed you." He sighed and said "well you're stuck here cause mom and dad said this is best for you after realizing everything you're going through right now you do need me and the others." You smiled and said "I do." Then you guys headed to the tour bus.

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