BSM:your best friend sleeps with your crush

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Luke:(age:16): you were chilling with the boys when your best friend came running in and said "guess who I just slept with?!?!" She was so excited to tell you you said "who?!?!" She said "ycn he was so good." You said "oh that's great now leave." She said "wow I thought you would be happy for me." You said "why would I when you slept with my crush." Sierra said "that's low." Your ex bestfriend rolled her eyes and said "come on it's not like you were ever going to make a move on him." Luke said "he never asked her and maybe she would have if you didn't go ahead and sleep with him without telling her." She said "I don't have to tell you who I sleep with." You said "you just did now leave I never want to see you around me ever again." She said "whatever." Then walked out as the one direction boys walked in and you said "she's a bitch." Sierra said "you got that right." Then chilled with them for the rest of the night.

Calum:(age:17): you were backstage at Harry's show your best friend no where to be found until she came out of his dressing room smiling like crazy you said "what did you just do." She said "I just slept with ycn." You said "how dare you leave and never come back." She said "Harry do I have to leave just because I slept with her crush." He said "yeah you do that's not a true friend there and in my dressing room that's nasty now leave please with kindness." You laughed at that part she looked at you and said "you weren't even going to get him." You said "you didn't give him a chance." She said "whatever bye." Then she was gone calum said "what friend she is." You said "ex friend now like she's a bitch." Then you guys enjoy the rest of the night.

Ashton:(age:18): you walked into your house with the boys and girls when you saw your crush walking out with your bestfriend you froze and Crystal said "low blow right there." You said "yeah what the hell." Your bestfriend said "you weren't going to do it." You said "he never asked me you should have said no and why the hell here and not at your house." Your bestfriend said "to rub it in." You said "leave you're not my friend what type of friend does this to a friend like the fuck leave." Then she left Ashton said "wow low." You said "I know right so low what is her problem." Then you guys chilled the rest of the night.

Michael:(age:19): you were having a party and was about to go ask your crush if he wanted to dance but didn't see him then you saw your bestfriend walk down with him you said "how dare you." She said "you didn't move quick enough." Michael said "she didn't think she had to what friend you are." You said "yeah like I was just going to ask him if he wanted to dance with me guess not since you just slept with him both of you out and you never show up in my life ever again." Then they both left Crystal said "what asswholes." You said "you think like what is wrong with them." Then you guys enjoy the rest of the party.

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