BSM: boys pick on you

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Luke:(age:12): you said no to this guy cause he was a player but he wasn't taking no for a answer you were walking back from lunch with your friends and he was there with his crew at your locker you said "move please." He said "you know that won't happen." Leaning against your locker Your friend said "what about a punch in the face then?" And got close to him He looked at your friend and laughed in her face and said "by who you cause you wouldn't hurt a fly a neither would any of you guys." You sighed and said "leave me alone please we don't want trouble." Then he got close to you and  said "we gotta get to class but watch your back we will be back." You rolled your eyes and grabbed you notebooks and textbooks you needed and headed to class his friend was in that class and picked on you the whole time and for the rest of the afternoon after school was done you grabbed everything you needed from your locker and ran out but of course you ran into the boys that bother you you said "please leave me alone." He said "not going to happen." And backed you into a wall then you heard someone said "step away from her now I don't care how old you are I will beat you up."you saw Luke and ran to him he caught and held you close the guys laughed and said "oh please she ran to her brother like a little kid her big bad brother has to fight her battles for her she's such a loser." Then the principal said to them "you guys are the losers here cause you guys just got exspelled for picking on that poor girl and she is still young like you boys are." You smirked and then Luke said "are you ok? Did they hurt you?" Checking you over You said "no you came just in time thank you and yes Sierra that was the guy that asked me out and I rejected." She said "good cause he's a ass and you're still young let's get you home." Then you guys headed home and chilled for the rest of the night.

Ashton:(age:13): he was your ex trying to get you back so he decided the way was the pick on you and have his friends do the same you said "listen little boys this isn't the way to win me back and plus keep picking on me then you'll have to deal with my brother again and his friends." Then someone said "and me his girlfriend now leave her alone before I get her brother and friends." His friends said "wow you were right his girlfriend is a hot mama I would tap that." Looking her up and down You said "you're 13 you have no chance with her even if you did she wouldn't go for you you're not her type." Then you headed to the car and Ashton said "they need to leave you alone or I will beat him up again." You said "I think they will now hopefully." Then you guys headed home and chilled for the rest of the night.

Michael:(age:14): these boys were stalking you and it was getting on your last nerve you said "I'm not going out with any of you pricks so stop bothering me." They said "we won't until you go out with us." Crystal said "she's not interested leave her alone get the memo." They said "fine we'll take you then instead." Looking her up and down Michael came out and said "dude stop hiting on my wife and my sister you're not getting either of them now leave." The guy was shocked and  said "wife how old are you?" You said "none of your concern leave me my brother and his wife alone". Then they left getting the message you sighed in relief and said "finally." Then chilled the rest of the day Crystal said "they won't be bothering you anymore." You said "no they won't be.

Calum:(age:15): you were walking home from school with your friends when these boys cornered only you your friends said "leave her alone she doesn't like you guys." They said "Excatly why we cornered her dummies." You said "leave me alone." You back into a wall and heard someone say "leave her alone." It was Sierra  you smiled at her they went over to her and said "who are you pretty thing?" Looking her up and down getting close to her you said "leave her alone." Then they came back to you then someone said "leave them both alone before I beat you." It was Calum you smirked at them as they ran away he said "you ok?" You said "yeah I'm ok." Then you and your friends headed to your house and you thanked Sierra for doing that for you she said "no problem."

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