Imagine you remeber the boys but not the girls

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Luke:you had fallen hard out of a cheer stunt you woke up in a white room you goraned and then looked over to see the boys you said "I'm in heaven why are famous people here?"luke said "we're family to you." You said "oh yeah I live with you and that girl who is really nice and my Bestfriend." Sierra said "you don't remember my name?" You said "no sorry I only know Luke cause he was my favorite still is but I'm more of a calum girl cause who wouldn't be I mean look at that body and his singing voice and his dog and his hair you know everything about him his eyes his personality I can keep going." You were going on a rant about Calum just staring into his eyes the boys and girls laughed harry said "good to know she found someone new to fangirl over." As him and the others walked in you said "um harry I still love you to death you were my first celebrity crush I think or it might have been Justin Bieber but I don't remember." Kaykay said "at least she remembers you boys but do you remember their girls?" You looked at the girls and said "nope not at all is that bad?" The doctor walked in and said "well at least she remembers the loves of her life she will probably remember you girls in a couple of hours she's free to go home." Luke said "thank you." And shook his hand then helped you up and you walked out you said "I'm dizzy."Luke then carried you to the car and put you in the back with the girls you said "I recognize the brown hair girl she's been around for years and is in love with louis I know her name isn't elevator but people call her that or haters call her that or larries I should say I remember now it's Elounor." Louis said "love that's our couple name." You said "I toally knew that I know it sounds like that it's Eleanor!!!" Eleanor said "hey your memory came back." You said "for you but not for... oh my gosh it's Sierra your name is Sierra from Alex and Sierra I love your music yes I remember now!!! And that's Michael's wife Crystal and then Liam's fiancé maya Harry's friend Olivia and naill's girl amelia and then Kaykay is Ashton's and I'm Calum's!!!" They laughed at the last part and said "I think you got confused on the last part." You went pale realizing what you said "I meant there's only you girls and I'm single and so is Calum that's what I meant." They laughed the girls were happy you remembered them again.

Calum:you hit your head when you fell from a tree you woke up and said "I'm in heaven why else would one direction and 5sos be here." The girls laughed and said "that would be the first thing she would say when she wakes up." You gave them a look and said "who are you girls?" Kaykay said "ha ha very funny." Calum said "I don't think she was joking I think she actually doesn't remember you girls." Crystal said "of course she would remember you boys and forget us just shows how much she cares about us." Michael said "babe she fell out of a tree and hit her head pretty hard she probably doesn't remember a lot of things." The doctor came in and said "you're boy is right she probably only remembers them cause she loved them way before you girls came into the picture but I'm surprised she doesn't remember Eleanor." She said "are you a fan?" The doctor said "yes I'm and she's good she's ready to go home if she's forgetting more things give me a call." Calum said "thank you." Then the doctor left and Calum carried you out to the car Kaykay said "so she will remember us hopefully?" Ashton said "most definitely." You said "I do remember Eleanor cause she has been around longer than you girls that I don't know I think I know the other brown hair girl her name is Sierra from the X factor and then I remember maya who is Liam's fiancé other than that I'm lost with the others oh and Crystal is Michael's wife the others should come back to me." They smiled and said "we're glade you remember some of them." You said "oh and Kaykay cause she's friends with mica and then I think ones name amelia and the other one Oliva and then me who's calum's girlfriend." He smiled and so did the others they said "that was quick." You laughed then you guys headed home.

Michael:you hit your head in the shower but no blood so they didn't take you to the emergency waiting to see if you woke up and you did you were dressed and on the couch you only saw the boys you said "oh gosh which one of my idols saw me naked." They laughed and Michael said "none of us Crystal got you changed."you said "who I only see you boys." The girls walked in and said "us?" You said "I know Eleanor and that's it." The girls said "cause she's been around longer than us." You said "I guess I don't know and Sierra is a singer I like and the rest I don't know oh and maya was a fan and now is Liam's fiancé and the others I don't know oh wait I know Olivia cause people think harry and her are a thing when their not." Michael said "good to know you know most of the girls." Crystal said "surprised she doesn't remember me." You looked at her and said "you're moose and south's mom but I forgot your name oh wait your Named after my old cat Crystal." She smiled and said "there you go now who's this?" Pointing to Kaykay and amelia you said "beautiful girls who.. oh wait that's Kaykay and amelia." They cheered you laughed then you chilled with them for the rest of the night.

Ashton:you hit your head while drunk you woke up the next morning and walked downstairs and said "I'm dreaming why are my idols here?" Ashton said "oh no you live with me and Kaykay remember?" You said "I remember you but not Kaykay who's the girl right?" Kaykay said "I'm Kaykay of course she remembers you boys and not us." You said "I'm sorry I remember Eleanor." Eleanor said "everyone remembers me." You laughed then Crystal said "and that's it only those two?" You said "and maya who was a fan and now Liam's fiancé and Sierra who's a amazing singer." Kaykay said "so you just don't remember Crystal and I and amelia and Oliva." You said "oh I remember Olivia cause she's causing drama that's not needed in the fandom." Olivia said "only because Harry's fans are physico and they think we're dating when we're not." You shrugged and said "wait I know Crystal too she's Michael's wife and I know Kaykay cause she's helping me take pictures." They said "yes!!!" You smiled happy your memories of them came back.

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