BSM: they find your diary

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Luke:(age:11): you told Luke everything always but you kept this one thing to yourself thinking you could handle it on your own and thought it wasn't that big of deal not telling anyone but you soon learned that you needed to tell someone about your depression it was getting so bad so you purposely left you diary out so someone would look at it you left it on your bed Luke walked in and looked through it to get answers and he found them he walked down and hugged you as you were siting next to Ashton he said "we will help you through this." The others were confused you said "I have depression and can't handle it on my own anymore I need help." Ashton said "we will be here for you through it all just talk to us we'll help you." He hugged you and You nodded then you guys chilled the rest of the day happy you finally told someone about it.

Ashton:(age:12): you lived with Ashton and Kaykay but she wasn't home when your period started so you wrote about it in your diary but little did you know Ashton wanted to know what was up with you so he looked in it and once he found out what was up with you he left the house leaving you alone he came back with a bunch of stuff he said "this will help you." You smiled not mad at him that he read your dairy but happy he read it and knew how to help you then you guys watched movies the rest of the day with the boys you were so happy to have a brother like him even if he was nosey.

Calum:(age:13): you were going out with your friends tonight didn't tell Calum there would be boys there and you by accident left your dairy on the table in the living room and he looked through it and wasn't happy that you were out with boys he didn't know so he went to spy on you with the boys and the girls since they were trying to stop them they said "see she's fine let's go before she kills you." Then a guy started making moves on you that you didn't like and when you saw calum's car you ran to it and hopped in and said "thank you for spying on me and for reading my privacy cause you just saved me from a awful guy who I thought was going to be the one thank you." He was surprised you weren't mad and didn't want to kill him but happy that he saved you you guys headed home and you put your diary away and then watched movies with them the rest of the night.

Michale:(age:14): he just liked reading for fun so you wrote in it that you know he reads it and doesn't mind he does cause you don't keep any secrets from him and want him to know almost everything that you do in your life he smiled happy that you weren't mad at him for reading your dairy you didn't care that's how close you and him where you guys rarely got mad at eachother ever.

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