Imagine you wish you were friends with them

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You wish to be friends with them and then become friends with them
Luke:your friends were awful to you but you had no other friends so you had to hangout with them you really didn't want to be with them you guys were at a club they found some guys and ran off with them and were with them for the whole night you sighed siting down looking at your drink when you heard someone said "hey you ok?" You looked up and saw Sierra Kaykay and crystal you nodded not wanting to be a bother to them but they sat down next to you the one direction girls on the other side Eleanor said "something has to be up why else would a beautiful girl like you be sitting here  by your self?" You said "it's just my friends who I don't want to be friends with anymore but don't have any other friends so I have to be with them but they ran off with these guys they don't even know." Olivia said "well you don't have to be friends with them anymore your our new friend come hangout with us." You were shocked she got up and said "are you coming?" You nodded you couldn't believe this just happened you spent the whole night with them surprised it was only them then Sierra said "sleep at my house tonight if you want." You looked at her and said "that's way to much to ask I don't want to be a bother at all." She said "nonsense we're friends now."you girls walked out of the club and you saw your friends with the guys they ran off with they came over and said "what are you doing?" You said "hangout with my friends what are you doing?"they looked at the guys and said "having fun with our new boyfriends." Sierra said "good for you now we were just leaving." Your friends said "she's with us." You said "I don't know you girls anymore." Then you left with Sierra you girls arrived back at her house they walked in you hiding behind them Luke said "how was it?" Walking over to Sierra and peaking her lips Sierra said "good we made a new friend she's still here right girls I really don't want her out on those streets by herself." Olivia said "don't worry she's still here she loves you." You nodded agreeing with her because you did love Sierra Luke said "nice to meet you.." you managed to get out "yn." And he shook your hand he said "nice to meet you yn you seem lovely." You smiled and then hung out with them for the rest of the night.

Ashton: you were walking in the mall with your friends they kept leaving you behind or trying to get rid of you so you were sick of them about to head home when you ran into someone you said "I'm so sorry." Crystal said "you're fine your the girl we've been watching not in a creepy way but we noticed your so called friends ditching you and we're going to talk to them." You said "I tried you can try if we run into them again I'm sorry for being a bother." She said "nonsense your not a bother." Then you girls ran into the boys and the girls explained to them what happen Ashton said "let's try and fine these girls."you guys tried to find your so called friends you saw them in a store the boys and girls walked in with you not far behind Ashton said "ladies forgetting someone?" They froze and turned around and gasped and said "oh my gosh.but why is the loser with them?"Ashton raised a eyebrow at them and said "you're not talking about this lovely girl right?" They were silent Ashton said "that's what I thought she found new friends have a good life girls she doesn't need to be treated the way you guys treat her." You were shocked and said "thank you so much for that Ashton." He said "no problem no one picks on my friends old or new." You smiled and said "my name is yn." He said "nice to meet you." And shook your hand  then spent the rest of the day with them.

Calum: your friends were making fun of you for not having a boyfriend because your standers were way to high when all of them had boyfriends and invited you to come along to rub it in your face and make fun of you for being single when someone said "you know being single isn't a bad thing." You turned around knowing that voice right away it was calum hood and Liam Payne your friends were shocked the boys said "come hang with us single guys we're more fun then them." You looked at your friends and they looked at you you said "I always wish to be friends with them and my chance is now I'm I going to take it? Yes cause you guys aren't my friends." Then went with them and you guys became really good friends you got to meet the others too and the girls too and became ever lasting friends with them.

Michael:you were with your friends walking around town they were walking faster then you when someone said "hey girls wait for your friend it's not safe for her to be out on the street alone." Your friends turned around and saw 5sos and 1D so did you you were shocked and stopped Michael said "you ok?" You nodded then went to catch up with your friends they followed and Michael said "why would you girls do that to a friend?" They said "umm we umm." You rolled your eyes and said "I'd rather be friends with them." Michael said "we'd love to be friends with you let's go you don't need them obviously they don't want to be your friend." They were about to say something but Michael was already taking you away from them you smiled and said "thank you I'm yn btw." He said "no problem and Michael." You guys shook hands then spent the rest of the day together with the others and the girls too that was a start of a ever lasting friendship.

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