Imagine you and your friends go to a haunted house

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Luke:your friend ran in and said "we're going to this house your coming with me." And dragged you out of the house you were the only one home at the moment so you quickly texted Luke telling him you were with your friend she drove you to this house You said "who's house is this?" She said "it's abandon that's why we came before the sun went down." She parked the car and you had a bad feeling so you stayed out she rolled her eyes and dragged you in to the house you said "I don't like this." She said "live a little." You said "what if the cops come then what?" She said "then we run duh." Then you guys were looking around when the floor broke when you stepped on it you screamed your friend got you before you fell you were breathing heavy and said "I need to go home now." She said "stop being a baby this is so cool." Then you guys went up stairs and heard a voice say "get out." Your friend shined the light where the voice was coming from nothing was there she shrugged and kept walking you said "yfn we should leave." She said "nothing bad is going to happen we are fine." You followed her then ran into something or should you say someone it was a person you screamed and ran to the car locking it and heavily breathing your friend came to the car and unlocked it and said "you're such a chicken no one was there." You said "I ran into someone now take me home please." She said "alright alright." Then she drove you home and you ran inside and saw the boys and girls Sierra said "who's house did you go too?" You said "a abandon one that wasn't abandon someone else was in there with us." Your friend said "didn't you have fun at least and no one was in there she was paranoid." You said "no not really I was terrified the whole time." She said "well your safe now I'll see ya around." Then she left then you chilled with them for the rest of the night never doing that again.

Calum:your friend noticed this house and walked in you said "yfn you can't just walk into someone's house." She said "relax it's abandon and apparently haunted according to my boyfriend here." He said "it is that's what my dad said and he does it for a living he came here." You said "then I'm out." Your friend said "how would you get home?" You said "have the girls or Calum come and get me or the boys I also saw shawn here so he could take me home too or the one direction boys." She rolled her eyes and said "celebritie lives." Looking at her boyfriend he chuckled You rolled your eyes and said "I'm not a celebrity." And followed them her boyfriend said "sounds like it to me you just named all celebrities." You said "I'm dating one and is friends with them." Your friend said "ok don't argue don't want to scare away the ghost." You didn't like this at all then you felt someone tap your shoulder and it wasn't your friend or her boyfriend you said "bye I'm out someone just touched me and it's neither of you two." You ran out of there to your friends car they both came shortly after she started the car quickly you said "same thing happened to you guys?" They said "yeah." Then they drove you home and you walked in and said "never going out with them again it was fun but terrifying." Calum said "what happened?" You said "we went to a abandon house that was haunted someone touched us so we ran out but it was so scary." Calum held you close and said "you're ok now you're safe here." Then you chilled with them for the rest of the night.

Ashton:you and your friends plus the boys were all just walking around and the girls were with you guys too when your friends found a abandon house they said "let's check it out." You said "let's not." Your friends said "yes let's." And dragged you in you looked back at the boys and girls and they followed unwilling too but didn't want anything happening to you girls you guys walked in your friend said "perfect photo shoot." Kaykay took pictures of you guys and they came out amazon then someone whispered in your ear "you guys are stuck here now." You screamed and ran out same with the others Sierra said "are you ok?" Ashton said "are you hurt?" And looked you over you said "no I'm not hurt scared for life someone whispered in my ear it wasn't my friends or you guys they said we were going to get stuck in that house." Your friends said "let's go home." The boys and girls agreed then you guys got in the car and left and headed home Ashton dropped off your friends and then you guys Hungout at home the rest of the day.

Michael: you and your friend were walking back to your house when you saw the abandon house that was on your street she dragged you in there to check it out you said "why do we have to go in?" She said "it's fun." You said "it's dangerous." She said "Excatly which makes it fun." Then you guys explored it you felt something run across your feet you screamed and ran out your friend said "it was a rat come back in." And dragged you back in you said "that's still gross." Then you guys walked around a little more in there then someone pushed you into the wall it wasn't your friend you screamed and ran out your friend followed and said "now that wasn't a rat." You were breathing heavily and said "no shit it wasn't." Then you guys head home or you ran home as she follows you ran in she was right behind you you said "never again." She said "agreed." Crystal said "did you guys go into that abandoned house." You said "she forced me." Michael said "are you hurt?" And looked you over you said "no just scared that's all someone or something touched me in there." Then you went to shower then came back down and cuddled with him he said "you're safe now and now you see why we didn't want you going in there." You said "yeah I see why."then you guys chilled the rest of the day.

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