Imagine you see someone who got banned from their events

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Luke:you saw a girl and her boyfriend standing in line waiting to meet the boys you recognized her she saw you looking at her and her eyes went wide Sierra said "that's not the girl that insult us and caused a scene at the last concert right?" You said "it is and the boys said she wasn't allowed back to any of their events ever." They started getting closer to them when the boys notice who she was and said to her boyfriend "listen man I know you were trying to do something nice for your oh so lovley girlfriend here but she's not welcome at any of our events anymore and any where near us or the girls she was horrible to Luke's sister and to his girlfriend and the other girlfriends too." Her boyfriend looked at her and she just looked at her feet her boyfriend said "we're done here you can leave I'm staying." She was shocked to say the least and so were you plus the boys too then security took her out the guy looked at you and said "you're the girls she was dreading to see?" You nodded and backed into someone it was Luke he wrapped his arms around you protectly the guy said "don't worry I just want to try and be your friend but I understand if you don't want too since I did date someone who was horrible to you." You said "doesn't mean your like her right?" He said "no I'm nothing like her trust me she's a gold digger for sure." You smiled and that was a start of a beautiful friendship.

Calum:you were standing to the side with the girls just talking when you felt someone touch your side and you saw Calum over there with the boys and fans you turned around quickly and saw your ex you screamed and ran over to Calum not caring about the fan at the moment who happened to be your ex's girlfriend who said "what the fuck did you do to her?!?!" Looking at your ex knowing he did something to you as Calum held you close your ex said "I didn't do shit." Acting like the victim Crystal said "didn't look like nothing to me looked like to me you touched her." He said "you know what old lady  you're loosing it cause I didn't do shit to her." And got close to her Michael marched over to him and stepped in between him and Crystal and said "oh hell no you did not just call my wife a old lady you need to get the hell out of here you're not even welcomed here so leave your girlfriend can stay get the hell out." She said "oh I'm not his girlfriend." Your ex said "babe are you serious right now?!?!" She said "yeah you touched her and I know it why else would she come running to her boyfriend there had to be a reason." He got brought out by security she said "I'm so sorry he did that to you." You said "wasn't the first thank you for not getting mad at me and for standing up for me." She said "of course girl girls before bros." You smiled happy she was ok with you running to Calum you guys became good friends at that moment.

Ashton:you saw the girl that punched you in the face while you were at their show you stepped back as she got closer right into Kaykay Ashton said "you're not suppose to be here." The girl said "but Ashton..." Calum said "no buts you need to leave now please." She said "but.." Michael said " security is right there for you." She looked at Luke for help he said "I'm not helping you I'm sorry you need to leave now." Then they took her away you said "does she not know what ban means?" Sierra said "guess not but she's gone now and you won't have to see her ever again." You said "good." Then you guys chilled for the rest of the day.

Michael: you saw the guy that tried to hurt you you ran to Michael the girls were so confused and so was the fan who was actually really rude to you and not understanding at all she rolled her eyes and said "you get to see them 24/7 you don't need him right now this second you get to live my dream why do you have to take this special moment away from me." Michael said "excuse me that's no way you talk to anyone if you want to keep that up you're more then welcome to leave." She sighed and said "I'm sorry I waited for this moment all my life and then she comes running to you during my time with you." Luke said "she probably has a good reason too cause she doesn't do this often and she didn't mean to ruin your moment." You said "yeah I'm sorry for ruining your moment with them but this guy who shouldn't be here is here and I'm terrified that he's going to do something to me." The fan looked and saw the guy you were looking at she sighed and looked at her feet and said "I'm sorry he's sadly my brother who doesn't treat girls right I'm sorry for whatever he did to you we'll leave and I don't think he would hurt you in front of them." Calum said "no you can stay but he has to leave he's not allowed here."she stayed as security took her brother out she said "well I'll have to find another ride." You said "stay with us girls you seem sweet." She smiled and then you guys became good friends actually even after that little incounter.

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