Imagine you accidentally flash someone

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Luke: your shirt was low cut at school and kept falling so you had to keep pulling it up when this one girl decided it would be funny to pull it all the way down flashing many people she laughed and said "opss." You pulled your shirt up right away and said "so not funny." She said "well you're already the laughing stock of the school." Luke said "why is that?" Appearing in the entrance since it was the end of the day he stood there with his arms cross the girl was speechless you said "now stop picking on me let's go home Luke." Taking his arm He said "yeah let's." Looking at the girl one last time and then following you Then you got in the car he said "you alright?" You said "yeah just never wearing this shirt here again." He said "now you listen." You laughed and said "yes now I do." Then you guys headed home.

Calum: you were at his show and your shirt fell down you put it back up right away he started laughing you blushed and said "that wasn't suppose to happen obviously." Embarrassed it did happen He said "you're lucky I'm the only one that saw that." You smiled and said "yeah I'm." He laughed again then he contuined the show leaving everyone else in the stadium confused and same with the girls you just laughed.

Michael: you were jumping up and down at a Harry show when your shirt came down a little to far you put it back up Harry laughed you blushed and said "opss." He said "no one else saw." You laughed and then Michael came back from the bathroom and said "what did I miss?" You said "my moment with Harry". He chuckled and said "told you you would get one." You laughed then enjoyed the rest of the show.

Ashton: you were on a date and flashed him by accident while taking off your sweatshirt you blushed your date said "you're fine no worries happens to all girls." You laughed and said "yeah it does." Then you enjoyed the rest of the date happy he didn't get embarrassed you weren't embarrassed either you guys were both fine and enjoyed the rest of the date.

Imagine/BSM part 4❤️Where stories live. Discover now