Imagine a guy wont let you walk by

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Luke: you were walking with your friends when this group of guys stopped you and them your friends said "what do you want?" They said "yfn you know what we want we told you what we want." Your friend said "and I told you you're not getting any of them so don't even try so you want to get killed then cause I told you guys you would get killed so you wish death apond you?" The guys looked around and said "by who you cause you won't do that we've known you long enough to know you wouldn't hurt a fly." You rolled your eyes getting annoyed at these guys your friend noticed and said "leave please." The guy said "not until I get her." Your friend said "lay a finger on her see what happens." Another guy said "you're not going to do shit to us so stop saying you will." Getting close to her Then someone said "she won't but I will and if you even try and do something to us our men will kill you in a Instant." You saw Sierra and the girls they walked over as the guys were looking them over your friend said "bye." Then the guys left you said "thank you." Sierra said "you gotta stop talking to random guys and saying that they can get with her cause they can't without going through us." Your friend said "I told them they couldn't so i don't know why they did that they don't listen." You guys got into the car and Luke said "well next time call us right away you guys were lucky that we were here to save you from them." Your friend said "you're right I'm sorry for putting you in that situation." You said "it's ok." Then you guys headed home and chilled the rest of the night.

Calum:these guys were following you and your friend then these guys stopped you your friend said "I told you she was taken." The guys looked around and said "by who by you? Cause I don't see anyone else here." Then you heard someone say "turn around and you'll see you're not the only ones here anymore." The guys backed up once they saw Calum and the others you walked over to him and Calum held you close and your friend said "and that's who she's taken by now you're scared when you didn't believe me the first time." You said "yfn come on and of course they wouldn't believe you who would." The guys left and your friend followed you guys Calum said to your friend "what did I tell you?" Your friend said "stop getting her into dangerous situations." Kaykay said "and what did you do?" She said "got her into a dangerous situation it won't happen again I promise I'm sorry." You said "it's ok just thank gosh they were here or who knows what they would have done to us." Then you guys headed home after that and chilled for the rest of the day.

Ashton: you noticed these guys coming towards you and your friend she said "leave us be." The guys said "yfn you know why we're here." She said "I do but told you guys not to show up or hell will happen to you guys." They laughed and said "we know you won't hurt us." Then someone said "she won't but we will leave them alone." The guys turned around and saw ashton plus the others you walked over to them with your friend your friend said "that's why I told you not to show up now beat it." Then the guys left Kaykay gave your friend a look your friend said "I know I know." Crystal said "then why do we have to keep saving you guys." You said "she doesn't learn that's why." Ashton said "stop talking to guys we don't know and trying to set them up with her it's not going to happen." Your friend said "ok I'm sorry." You said "it's fine." Then you guys headed home and chilled for the rest of the day.

Michale: you were walking back to your house with your friend when she said "ugh they don't listen." You saw a group of guys coming near you guys you didn't feel comfortable at all your friend said "get out." They looked around and said "are you talking to us?" She said "yes idots take no for a answer or do you want to die." They said "you say that but who will kill us?" Then someone said "me plus them so you better let them passe or you're dead." They turned around and saw Michael plus the others and then the guys ran you walked over to them with your friend Michael gave her a look she said "they didn't touch her." He said "not this time last time they did and she didn't like it so stop having guys trying to get with her when she's not interested." She said "I'm sorry." You said "it's whatever it's fine." Then you guys chilled for the rest of the night.

Imagine/BSM part 4❤️Where stories live. Discover now