Imagine you meet your internet friends

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Luke: you invited your internet friends over you didn't tell Luke or Sierra that think they would think it was dangerous but you trusted these girls there was a knock at the door you got it and they said "hi I'm chole this is Briana and this is Lizzie." You said "hi I'm yn." They said "holy shit you're rich?!?!" You laughed and said "sadly no I work at a doggie daycare but this isn't my house this is my brother's house well he's like a brother to me come in." They came in and you guys sat on the couch and chatted then Luke walked in with the others the girls screamed you laughed they said "why didn't you tell us you knew them?!?!" I said "cause I didn't know if you guys would still want to be my friend or just stay for them." They said "you're a amazing girl we love you but we toally understand that cause people would do that." Then you guys hung out the rest of the day.

Calum: you were at the mall with your friends that you meet online when you guys ran into the boys and girls your friends squealed and said "we have to go meet them oh wait they're coming over to us." Shaking you,you laughed the boys came over with the girls Calum said "hey babe." And peaked your lips you smiled and said "hi." Your friends were speechless and said "we had no clue what the fuck oh my gosh this is amazing." Hugging you you laughed and said "I didn't tell you guys because I didn't know if you girls would freak out or not or want to be friends with just me." They said "never we're so happy for you this is amazing and we love you." Then you guys continue shopping with them for the rest of the day.

Ashton:you were asleep on Ashton when your friends walked in with the girls they said "holy shit I didn't realize you were his girl." You woke up and got up and said "yeah I'm I didn't tell you guys because I didn't know if you guys would still like me." They said "we love you still you're amazing." You smiled happy they still liked you for you then you guys hung out with the guys for the rest of the day and chilled and chat with them.

Michael: your friends just walked in they said "we walked into the wrong place." You walked down and said "no you didn't this is where I live my brother and sister-in-law live here. But he's not my actual brother we're family friends." They said "oh awesome that's so cool." Then you guys hung out the rest of the day the boys and girls walked in and they screamed you said "yeah I live with them I didn't tell you girls cause I didn't know if you guys would still like me for who I'm not just because of them." They said "we love you for you not just for them don't worry you're good." And hugged you you smiled and then you guys hung out the rest of the day with them.

Imagine/BSM part 4❤️Where stories live. Discover now