Imagine your mom is college friends with their mom

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Luke: you and your family were heading to meet up with your mom's college friends and your friends were coming with you. You guys arrived at the airport of California you were amazed this was a dream come true for you then you saw Liz hemmings and the rest of the 5sos mom's and dad's including the one direction mom's and dad's you were frozen your friend said "I didn't know your mom's college friends were our idols parents." You said "I didn't know either." Then you guys walked over Liz said "you guys must be her children you guys have gotten so big." And hugged you guys you said "yeah I'm yn." She said "nice to meet you my son's fiancé is going to love you speaking of her." Sierra smiled and waved and said "hi I'm Sierra." And gave you a hug you said "hi I'm yn." Then you guys headed to the car the kids got in with the boys and their siblings you were speechless Luke said "I'm Luke." You said "I'm yn." Then you guys chatted until you guys got to the house you were starstrucked this was the best day of your life you knew you were going to have a blast on this trip.

Calum: you guys just arrived and you saw joy hood your friend said "why is your mom hugging Calum hood's mom?" You said "I don't know." Then joy said "you guys must be her kids." You hugged her and said "I'm yn." She said "nice to meet you my children are going to love you speaking of them here's one now." Then Mali Koa walked over and said "hi I'm mali Koa." You said "nice to meet you I'm yn." Your friend said "this is awesome that your mom is college friends with their mom's." You said " I know right this is amazing." Then you guys headed to the car the kids got in with the others you ended up next to Calum he said "hi I'm Calum." You said "hi I'm yn." Then you guys talked the whole way until you got to Calum's house then he showed you were you would be stay you loved it this was a dream come true for you you knew this trip would be Magical.

Ashton: you went to the bathroom and walked out and saw your mom hugging Anne Marie and the other mother's you were shocked to see them in your house your mom said "this is my daughter yn, yn these are my college friends." Anne Marie said "it's so nice to meet you this is my son Ashton my daughter Lauren and my other son harry and my son's girlfriend Kaykay." They waved you said "hi." Then you guys hungout the rest of the day you still couldn't believe that they were in your house and the other boys plus their girls too this was a dream come true for you and knew you guys would become great friends.

Michael: you were chilling at the beach when your mom walked over with Karen Clifford you jumped up so fast noticing Michael and Crystal plus the other boys and girls were with them your mom said "yn this is karen and my other college friends." You said "nice to meet you." And shook their hands karen said "nice to meet you this is my son Michael and his wife Crystal." You said "nice to meet you and congrats on the marriage." Michael said "nice to meet you too and thank you."then you guys chatted this was definitely the best day of your life and you guys became great friends.

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