Imagine you get in trouble at a concert

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Luke: you were with the boys and girls at a hatry styles show front row of course having a blast until someone touched your waisted you turned around giving the guy a dirty look turns out it was your ex you pushed him off of you and said "what the fuck." Hitting his chest hard he smirked at you and said "you know I want you back and always get what I want." Grinding against you you moved away again You said"and you know I don't and you don't always get what you want." Then pushed him away again Harry saw and came over and said "now before I begin my next song I have to ask if there's a issue over here?" He looked at you you looked around and said "me." Pointing to yourself your ex rolled his eyes and said "you're actually dumb he's looking straight at you who else would he be talking to me." He said "mate what's your problem she knows now I'm talking to her what are you doing to her?"You said "he's the one that touched my waisted without my permission but I'm the one getting in trouble?" Harry said "yn you're not in trouble I was asking you what was going on over here cause you were putting hands on him." You said "I had a reason." Harry said "I know your reason now you leave please now." Looking at your ex he left and said "you're still crazy." You said "ge didn't know." Then Harry contuine the show Sierra said "didn't need the scene." You said "it was him he was touching me." Luke said "we know we saw and was going to say something but you got to him before us he's lucky." Then you guys enjoyed the rest of the show.

Ashton: he brought you to a Niall Horan concert you were so excited you got to meet him before hand and was front row this was the greatest night of your life the show started and this girl was pushing you you said "excuse me." She said "yeah excuse you stop pushing me." You said"you were pushing me." Looking at the girl Niall saw and said "ladies is there a problem over here?" You said "she's pushing me." The girl said "she's pushing me." Ashton said "both of you grow up and just accept the fact your front row at your idols concert and he's asking you a question." Niall said "all I asked was if there was a issue now I see there is so move away from each other and start acting your age or I'll get security and you'll end up back stage for the rest of the show understand." You moved to the other side the girl moved to her other side then he continued the show.

Calum:you were at a Louis Tomlinson concert when this girl pushed you to the floor Louis saw and so did calum he helped you up you said "what the fuck girl." Looking at The girl  said "you were in my spot." You said "no the fuck I wasn't." She rolled her eyes at you and said "yeah you were." Louis came over and said "ladies is there a problem?" The girl said "yeah she took my spot." You said "I didn't and it doesn't really matter we can both see him clearly." Pointing at Louis Louis said "exactly so why push her to the floor." The girl said"she was in my way." Calum said "doesn't mean you can lay hands on her or anyone we're suing." You said "he's right." She walked away to the other side as you guys enjoyed the rest of the show.

Michael: you were at a Liam Payne concert having the best time of your life when someone punched you in the face you couldn't tell if it was by accident or purpose the girl said "opss sorry don't get in my bubble." Michael said "she wasn't in your "bubble." You said "but I will get in your bubble if you want me too." And got close to her as Michael got in between you two Liam said "ladies don't do it." You said "she punched me in the face for no reason." Liam said "I know that's why she's getting taken out of here and why she's getting sued." As security took the girl out you said "good." He said "don't react to her or you will end up backstage." You said "I didn't." He said "you were going too." Michael said "if I didn't stop it who knows what you would have done to her." Then you guys enjoyed the rest of the show.

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