Imagine your ex ask harry styles to ask you to take him back

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Luke: you were at a Harry styles concert with the boys and girls Harry was reading signs he read a sign that said help me win my ex back the crowd screamed he asked the guy "who broke up with who?" The guy said she did Harry said "were you nice to her? And why did she break up with you?"Your ex said "yes I was really good to her and cause she caught me cheating on her with her friend."Harry said "what's her name?" He said "yn." Harry said "what's her last name?" Your ex said "yn yln." You froze the girls looked at you and  said "umm." Harry was stunned to he said "Um well I actually know yn yln. She's here tonight front row with Luke Hemings and his fiancé plus the others you're not the one that cheated on her right?" Your ex froze and noticed you plus the others looking at him he said "um I'll just be leaving and won't ever see ya again." And ran out of there Harry laughed he said "well we won't be seeing him ever again." You laughed and said "yeah." Then you enjoyed the rest of the concert.

Calum:you were at Harry's show you and calum broke up because of long distance and he didn't think it would work so to cope with it you decided to buy front row tickets to a Harry styles show you and Harry were actually family friends that's how you met calum he was reading a signed that said help me win my ex back. Harry said "I know for a fact you were nice to her. And she said she could handle everything you threw at her if you're regretting now I know she will 100 percent take you back." Harry looked at you you furrowed your eyebrows Harry said "look behind you." You saw calum he smiled and said "well?" You said "yes I'll take you back." And jumped into his arms Harry said "she took him back!!!" the crowd cheered you were so happy to be back with calum.

Ashton: you were at a Harry concert when he said "now my friend is here tonight and him his girlfriend got into a arugement before the show don't worry he told me I could tell you guys this and she doesn't mind and they broke up but now he's regretting his decision so what do you guys think she should do should she take him back or wait? Here's the guy." As the camera man landed on Ashton and Harry said "here's the beautiful girl." The camera was on you everyone cheered and said yes you should take him back you smiled at Harry he said "well the crowd as spoken what is it going to be?" You looked at and Ashton and smiled you could never say no to him or be mad at him for long you said "yes I'll take you back." He smiled and caught you and kissed you everyone cheered Harry said "she took him back!!" You giggled. Then enjoyed the rest of the show.

Michael: you were loving his show when he read a sign that said "help me win my ex girlfriend yn yln back." You froze and so did the others you guys all turned around and saw your ex who you hated Harry said "now I know and they know that she won't take you back ever cause you messed around with her bestfriend so I don't know why you would show up here and try when it's not going to happen mate." Everyone booed him as he slowly left you laughed and so did Harry and he said "that's one guy that won't be getting this beautiful girl back or any girl now." You smiled then you guys enjoyed the rest of the show.

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