BSM:you have flashbacks to being held hostage

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Luke:(age:16): you went back to the Starbucks with the girls and boys this time you had flashbacks right away to what happened here you guys got your drinks but you were frozen when you thought you saw the hater you said "Luke I need to leave." After everyone got their drinks you guys left he held you close and said "she wasn't there don't worry they are still in jail you won't have to deal with them ever again." Then you guys got home and you chilled for rest of the day.

Calum:(age:17): you went back to school but when it came to the class that it happened in you froze and felt someone near you say "you will be mine." You screamed and turned around and didn't see anyone your friend said "you'll be ok." You said "I'll be safer with the boys And girls I'm going to the nurse I can't do this." Then you ran to the nurse and she called Calum to come and get you he arrived with the others you ran to him he hugged you tightly and said "you're safe now you'll be ok." Then you guys headed home and chilled for the rest of the day you felt much safer with them.

Ashton:(age:18): you were at the same girls party again she said "surprised you came." You said "won't be here for long once they are done I'm out of here I'm having so many flashbacks I can't take it." Then they performed and same with the one direction boys as you stood close to the girls once they were done you guys were out you said bye to your friend Ashton held you
Close and said "you're safe now." Then you guys headed home and chilled for the rest of the night feeling safe.

Michael:(age:19): you were back in the store where it all went down the boys came in this time but you couldn't be in there for long cause you were having so many flashbacks so you went to a different store then after that headed home cause you thought you kept seeing the girls that held you guys in the store but you were being crazy but once you got home you felt safe and sound with them.

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