Imagine another boy/one direction boy catches you in bed with a guy

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Luke: you and your guy friend who was gay was watching movies together in your bed cuddling when Sierra walked in with Luke and the others luke said "thank gosh it's you." You rolled your eyes and said "please I would be dead if any of you guys caught me in bed with a guy or girl." Kaykay said "less mad if it was a girl but if it was a guy that they didn't know they wouldn't approve." You said "yeah I know I don't blame them I wouldn't trust them either so I wouldn't have them in my bed." They laughed then you guys continued watching movies for the rest of the night.

Calum:you were having a bad night so you guys just cuddled in bed when Crystal and Michael walked in Crystal said "we'll leave you guys." You said "no I want all you guys here." Giving them puppy dogs eyes Then the others walked into and same with the one direction boys and girls you smiled and said "perfect my night is better now." Calum smiled and pulled you close and said "we'll always be here to cheer you up." You smiled happy to have them in your life you knew you could always count of them.

Ashton: you were with your friend and she kind of just shoved this guy in your room with you and closed the door when you told her you weren't interested and the guy climbed into your bed and you were trying to get him out of your bed of course it was to late cause Calum walked in and said "yn what the hell." You said "he climbed into my bed without my permission and I don't want to be with him but he's not taking no for a answer please help me." Running to him he caught you and held you close Calum said to the guy "I think the best thing to do right now is leave before the others come." Kaykay said "to late for that but I would still leave if she doesn't even want you here." The guy said "her friend said she wanted me I guess she was wrong." They all looked at your friend your friend said "I was leaving I thought she liked him guess not sorry bye." Then they were out ashton said "he didn't touch you right?" You said "no I wouldn't allow him too." He said "good." Then you guys chilled for the rest of the night.

Michael: you were chilling in your room with your best guy friend harry yes harry styles you guys were cuddling when Michael walked in and said "no surprise."You rolled your eyes and said "what's up?" He said "the others are here and same with their girls." Then you guys headed down stairs with him and hungout with them for the rest of the night Crystal said "were you guys cuddling again?" You said "yes that's all we do." She said "I know." Then you guys chilled with them for the rest of the day.

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