Imagine you have to watch your cousin

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Luke: your aunt was dropping off your 2 year old cousin and she was obsessed with Luke your aunt knew you lived with him and Sierra when ever you guys went to family parties they would come cause their practical family and your cousin loved them both there was a knock you got it she handed her to you and said "here you go you know what to do just hand her to Luke or Sierra then you'll be good and oh she's spending the night I'll pick her up tomorrow at who knows what time but I'll let you guys know I love you both have fun." Then she was off you put your cousin down and she saw Sierra and ran to her she caught her and said "hey little one." And kissed her cheek she giggled then you guys hungout the rest of the day and played outside until the boys came home your little cousin ran to Luke he caught her and said "I forgot we were having a little one here." She giggled then you guys chilled for the rest of the day she was the best little one but that was only because of Luke and Sierra you loved she loved them as much as you did.

Calum:your snotty 12 year old cousin was coming over cause you had to watch her and she wasn't happy your aunt said "good luck with her have your boyfriend deal with her." You said "no I'll deal with her I'm not putting him through that."Your snotty cousin said "have I even meet your boyfriend yet?" You said "no not yet only my family meet him."your snotty cousin said "he better be nice and I'm family too." You knew she would love him noticing the shirt she's wearing you said "you already know he's nice." Looking at her shirt she looked at her shirt and said "you're not  dating anyone from 5sos you're a nobody why would one of them go for you." Then the boys and girls walked in Kaykay said "you must be yn's oh so lovley cousin right?" Your cousin was frozen you said "close your month and answer her question it's rude not too." She was speechless but nodded her head Calum said "she's not bad." You said "not now just wait." Then once she got out of her daze she started chatting up a storm with them they were happy she loved them you were too even know she was annoying you did love her.

Ashton: your cousin just walked in and said "I'm stuck with you for tonight and same with my ass of a brother." You said "your mother did tell me she had enough of you guys." She rolled her eyes and said "because dickhead here is horrible to my friends." He said "I like having fun and if that includes your sulty friends I'm going for them."Kaykay said "won't be getting into any trouble here we won't allow that to happen here we run a tight court here." Your cousin said "how did I forget you lived with celebrities and please this house probably has no rules." siting on the couch with her feet up You said "I don't know but you'll love it here and yes it does have rules trust me." Then you guys chilled and chatted for the rest of the day they did have a blast and loved every second of it.

Michael: your cousin was 3 and was obsessed with him and the boys you were watching her all day today and she wouldn't leave them all day you smiled happy she loved them as much as you did you taught her well she was spending the night so once she was put into her bed after she fell asleep in Michael's arm he came back and said "she's easy you got a good cousin there." You smiled and said "she loves you guys so she would be good for you guys." They chuckled Crystal said "teaching them young." You said "always." Then chilled for the rest of the night.

Imagine/BSM part 4❤️Where stories live. Discover now