Imagine your friend does something\acts stupid

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Luke: you and your friend were at his concert with the girls she said "I'm going to jump on that stage tonight." Your best guy friend said "no you're not your going to get into so much trouble." She looked at you and said "then you can do it." You said "do not drag me into your craziness I'm not doing that the boys would be like why the fuck did you do that and lecture me about how dangerous it was." Your best guy friend said "she's right." Your friend rolled her eyes and then saw a guy smoking weed she smirked at the two of you and said "hey you." The guy walked over you said "yfn what are you doing?" The girls didn't see any of this going on cause they were talking to the boys and fans she said "having fun." You looked at your best guy friend he pulled you close she said "I'll have a light." The guy smirked at her and handed her some and she lit it someone came over to them and said "please put that out you can't be doing that In here." She rolled her eyes and said "please I can do what I want I know these men that are playing and they wouldn't care now run along." Shoeing The guy away the guy said "listen lady you don't get special treatment just because you know them." You said "she doesn't know them I'm not friends with her anymore I don't like the way she's acting." You climbed over the barricade with your best guy friend she said "come on guys you can't just leave me here because I'm having fun." Your best guy friend said "we can and we will cause you're acting stupid and we don't appreciate it and if that's what you call fun then you can do it with him." You said "and you can't pull that card the I know them I can do what I want cause you can't and don't know them we're done here." Then she left with the guy that gave her weed the girls saw you and your best guy friend and said "you got rid of her finally?" You rolled your eyes and said "yeah she's acting stupid and she went off with a guy I'll make sure she's ok after." Luke said "I would stop them even know you aren't friends with her anymore you wouldn't want anything to happen to her right?" You said "yeah but.." Ashton said "there's no buts go stop her." You said "fine." Then you saw her and the guy with security you said "wait she's not with him." Security said "they said they were together and didn't know anyone else here." You said "no their not she's with him." Your best guy friend took her home and then came back just in time for the show you guys enjoyed the rest of the show.

Calum: you were with your friends and they decided oh let's do something we've never done before so they decided let's sneak into the studio of course they dragged you into it too you said "guys the boys will be pissed at me." They laughed and said "stop saying you know them when we all know you're making that up." Then someone said "aren't you yn? Calum's girl?" You froze recognizing the voice right away you guys turned around to a not happy niall plus the other one direction boys not to far away and their girls you said "you know I would never do something this stupid." He said "then why did you sneak in when you could have just came with me or your boy or any of the other boys?" You said "it was their idea they dragged me along and I didn't want to do this they forced me to do it you gotta believe me I didn't want to go along with this." He said "alright alright  I believe you but I would leave if I was you girls don't want any of you girls to get the cops called on you for sneaking in here." Then you guys left and Niall took you home you got home and didn't mention it to Calum.

Michael:your friend said "I'm going to jump." You said "what?" You couldn't hear her over the screams of the crowd then she got on top of the barricade you grabbed her and said "are you stupid?!?!" She said "no I'm having fun I want to see harry up close and person." You said "that's not how that's how you get kicked out." She rolled her eyes and said "please they wouldn't catch me." And tired again but you took her down again and security came over and said "please don't climb on the barricades." She rolled her eyes at them and said "yeah yeah whatever I'll get close to him weather you people like it or not he will be mine." Then someone said "is there a problem over here?" It was harry he looked at you and your friend your friend smiled and said "toally not security is just being annoying nothing new there." You said "I don't know her." He laughed and said "you're not in trouble she might be if she's giving security a hard time." Your friend said "no I was just telling them I was fine they were just annoying me." He said "alrighty then you girls be safe now." Then continued the show.

Ashton:you were with your friend and she said "let's break into that house." You looked at it then back at her and said "you can but I'll stay out here." She said "fine." Then started heading towards the house you stopped her and said "you're so stupid do not do this." She said "you said I could." You said "thinking you wouldn't actually do it." Then you saw the one direction boys including the 5sos boys and girls they said "what are you doing ladies?" Your friend said "oh nothing she was just showing me this lovley house we were just walking by." You said "yeah toally." The boys gave you a look your friend walked away and you went over to them and said "I just stopped her from breaking into there she wasn't thinking." Sierra said "toally not she's stupid." You said "that's what I said." Then you headed back to your friend.

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