BSM: your ex wont leave you alone

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Luke:(age:16):your ex was bothering You all day when you saw Luke's car you bolted to it of course your ex followed you to his car as you were getting in you locked the door Sierra rolled down the window and said "leave her alone she over you get over her." He then left you said "thank you he's been bothering me all day and I'm over him." Luke said "don't worry we won't let him come near you ever again he needs to learn your not into him anymore." Then you guys headed home after that and chilled for the rest of the day.

Calum:(age:17): you were on a run and your ex was running after you so you ran as fast as you could you got to your house and saw calum and the others calum said "stop chasing her and leave her alone your not welcome here or near her ever again I will call the cops." Then your ex left you said "thank you he started chasing me when he saw me running." Calum said "no problem sis he won't be messing with you anymore go shower you smell." You laughed and then went to go shower then chilled with them for the rest of the day.

Ashton:(age:18): your ex was eyeing you while you were at the mall with Kaykay and the girls Kaykay said to him "like the view? Well you're not getting her back move on and leave her alone." He then walked away you said "thank you for that." She said "no problem he needs to not." Then you guys shopped the rest of the day and ran into the boys and didn't end up telling them you ran into your ex since they didn't need to know.

Michael:(age:19): you were telling him to leave you alone he has been stalking you all week then someone came into your room it was crystal she said out the window "get the hell off our property and leave her alone she not interested and her brother told you to never come near her or this house again so just leave." Then he left you said "finally thank you." She said "no problem he's a dick don't worry you won't have to deal with him anymore." You smiled happy to have her in your life then you guys went to go hangout with the others and told them what happened Michael said "good he's never talking to you again." Then you guys chilled the rest of the night.

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