Imagine your family friends with the one direction boys

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Calum: your family friends Louis Tomlinson Niall horan Liam Payne and Harry styles were coming over with their girls of course you told the girls you lived with calum and is going out with him but haven't told the boys yet you were going to but were afraid too there was a knock at the door the boys and girls weren't here yet you were thankful for that but knew they would be confused on why you were opening the door it was Amelia Olivia and Eleanor you said "hi girls welcome." They walked in and hugged you you hugged back they said "wow you got a nice place here." You said "thank you were are the boys?" They then walked in you smiled and hugged them Louis said "what brings you here?" You said "I kind of live here." Niall said "what do you mean you kind of live here?" Then the others walked in and said hi to them and hugged them you slowly walked into the kitchen Harry followed you and said "well?" You said "calum and I are dating please don't lecture either of us about it he's the love of my life." Liam said "why would we we're happy for you you got the guy of your dreams we know he's the love of your life." You sighed in relief and smiled happy they were happy for you you walked back into the other room and sat next to him calum said "how'd it go?" Wrapping his arm around you You said "they approve." He smiled happy they approved.

Luke: you lived with Luke and Sierra since you just moved here not to long ago and Niall hooked you up with them he walked in with the others including Amelia Oliva and Eleanor you smiled and hugged them and said hi to them Niall said "are you loving it? Is it everything you dreamed of?"You said "yeah I'm it's amazing so far I love everything about it and yeah it is." They smiled at you happy you were happy then you guys chilled for the rest of the day.

Ashton: the boys were coming over  including their girls you lived with Ashton Liam helped you you were so thankful for that and so happy to see them again you told them you loved everything about it it was a dream come true for you they were so happy  that you loved it there and that your dream finally came true.

Michael: the girls walked in with the one direction girls they said "I forgot you lived with them." You said "me every day it's a dream for me". They laughed then the boys walked in and you hugged them and said hi to them you were so happy to see them again it's been to long you guys chilled and hung out the rest of the day and just talked about everything.

Imagine/BSM part 4❤️Where stories live. Discover now