BSM: your cousin hates you

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Calum:(age:11): your nasty cousin who hated you was coming over calum said "try to be nice." You said "I will if the boys and girls stay." Sierra said "don't worry we're not going anywhere." Then your cousin walked in and looked you up and down and rolled her eyes and said "how I'm I related to her." Mali said "can't you try and be nice to her your stuck with us for a week and we ask the same thing how are we related to you." You said "can't she go some where else." Calum said "sadly no she's here on a school trip but got in trouble for trying to make out with a guy her mother said she's stuck with us until she's suppose to go back." She said "not like this little one try's to kiss anyone." You said "guys are gross accept for these boys plus these boys wouldn't let me." She rolled her eyes then went on her phone which calum just took from her she said "hey." He said "no phone." She huffed and crossed her arms you sighed and Calum sat next to and you guys just watched tv for the rest of the night she never did come around.

Luke:(age:12): your cousin bullied you in school so when you saw her she said "hey lame cuz what's it to ya." Her friends laughed you saw Luke and walked over to him ignoring her she said "luke she's ignoring me yet again she never talks to me ever when I'm here." Ashton said "cause you bully her so I don't blame her for not talking to you." She said "ashton please she's making shit up again we all know she's a liar." Looking at you You said "I'm not leave me alone and I'm not a liar I can't lie they know that". She laughed her friends said "she's such a baby and she's 12 like she needs to grow up and not run to her big bad brother  for everything plus his band mates." Your cousin said "well she's technically still a child and I don't want her to grow up to fast that was kind of crossing a line I just did it to act cool I actually do love her to death so please don't call her a baby we're done here and she's allowed to run to them their the best protectiver." You smiled knowing deep down inside she did actually care about you you said "thank you." She said "no problem cuz." And hugged you Then you guys chilled for the rest of the day.

Ashton:(age:13): your cousin had no idea how much pain he was putting you through he was teasing you and acted like he hated you in front of his friends always just to act cool when you knew he did like you but just wanted to show off in front of them you went down to the boys your cousin said "why do you always run to them to save you." Calum said "cause we're not a ass to her in front of our friends like some people." You said "yeah and they don't treat me like shit." He sighed and said "I'm sorry you know I love you but I don't want them to think I'm a softy." Michael said "allow them to think that that's the best thing a guy can be." He said "ok you're right I love you yn." You said "I love you too." He hugged you then He finally came around and hungout with you guys you smiled happy he didn't actually hate you.

Michael:(age:14): your cousin saw you and said "ew it's you." You said "ew it's you." And rolled your eyes as you went over to harry he said "you guys still can't get along?" Michael said "oh they never will trust me she hates her for who knows what reason." She said "cause she's rude to abby who's my friend." You said "cause she's my brother's horrible ex who hangouts with my other like a brother horrible ex girlfriend you shouldn't like her either since you know the shit she has done to him and same with the other ones." She rolled her eyes and said "their friends live with it and I like them." You rolled your eyes as she left to go be with them Crystal said "she's so fun." You laughed then you guys chilled for the rest of the day you didn't mind that she hated you.

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