BSM:you fall from a tree

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Luke:(age:10): you and your friends were playing on a small tree in your front yard when of course you tripped and fell from the tree landing on your arm you knew you broke it Luke ran out with the others him and Sierra took you to the ER right away and you guys waited to get a x ray you were right you did break it you said "I'm not climbing that stupid tree every again." Sierra said "your lucky it was small or it could have ended a lot wrose." Then you guys headed home and you chilled with them for the rest of the day and cuddled with Luke.

Ashton:(age:11): you were climbing down when you trip and fell right on to your face you goraned Ashton and the others came running out he said "are you ok?!?!" You said "no my head is bleeding." Then he took you to the ER with Kaykay and you guys waited you need a couple of stitches then you were free to go he said "you're never climbing a tree again." You said "don't worry that won't happen." Then you guys relaxed the rest of the day and cuddled with Ashton.

Calum:(age:12): you and this boy were sitting in a tree talking then you guys were about to leave when you guys were getting down you tripped almost falling to your death but someone caught you you opened your eyes and saw Calum on the ground with you in his arms he was heavy breathing you said "you just saved my life." He got up and said "you almost died I had too your my sister what were you thinking." You said "I'm thankful for that thank you I was talking to this boy but of course that ass ran." Crystal said "he's not worth it your brother is better than him." You said "you got that right." Then you guys headed home and chilled the rest of the night and Calum didn't let you got the whole night.

Michael:(age:13): your friend was siting in a tree talking Michael said "come on girls get down from there I don't want either of you getting hurt." You guys climbed down when you got towards the end you fell on your back you goraned Michael came running out said "are you ok?!?!?" And checked you over you said "yeah I wasn't far from the ground just hurt my back." Then you went inside and relaxed the rest of the day.

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