BSM: you stay with another boy for a week because he grounded you

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Luke:(age:11): you refused to leave Ashton and Kaykay's house Kaykay said "you can't still be mad at him." You said "I'm cause I didn't do anything but still go in trouble." Ashton said "love you still went along with it and watched your friends beat up the girl and didn't say anything until someone came and said something." You said "well he never heard why they did it?" Kaykay said "then explain why did they do it." You said "I can't tell Ashton will murder me then I'll have to go live with Michael and Crystal for a week which isn't bad but still." Ashton said "now why on earth would you think I would murder you?" You said "because I didn't tell you guys." Kaykay said "tell us now. I promise he would never hurt you I'll make sure of it." You looked at your feet and said "she bullied me because I was Luke's sister." When you said that Luke and Sierra plus the other walked in Luke said "why didn't you tell us that to begin with yn we will help you." He hugged you you said "I was afraid ok the girl said it would get wrose but she said that after my friends beat her up too." Sierra said "love you don't have to be afraid of her ok we love you and will get her to stop." You nodded Luke said "you're not grounded anymore you can come home now if you want." You said "yeah I would love too I missed you guys but I did love living with these two." They smiled then you guys chilled for the rest of the night.

Calum:(age:12): you stole food for your friend so he grounded you for a week you even told your friend you would pay for it but she said she wouldn't allow you to do that and to just steal it so now you were with Michael and Crystal cause you were mad at Calum Crystal said "why didn't your friend want you paying for it? You sighed and said "because she's poor and doesn't have any where to live but don't want people to help her her parents kicked her out." Michael said "she needs people right now she has to let people help her." Then Calum walked in and said "that's why you stole the food for her?" You nodded and said "I was going to pay but she didn't let me." Calum said "we'll help her." There was a knock at the door it was your friend and Sierra plus Luke your friend said "I'm sorry I got you grounded but these two talked sense into me." You said "it's ok I'll always be here to help you."Crystal said "it's ok go shower and I'll get you some clean clothes." Then your friend went up and showered you said "I'm I still grounded?" Calum said "yes for stealing but please come home I miss you." You said "ok fine since you understand now why I did it." He smiled then you guys chilled the rest of the night.

Michale:(age:13): this was just your own stupidity you stayed out all night with your friends and didn't want to get yelled at by Michael and went to calum's house instead he yelled at you too and said "I know it was stupid but I'd rather be grounded here then at my own house." He said "fine." Then Michael plus the others came over in the morning you were passed out on the couch Michael said "she's lucky she's here what the fuck was she thinking." You woke up and said "that's the thing I wasn't thinking and I'm sorry how long I'm I grounded for?" Crystal said "4 weeks." Michael said "make it 10." You said "fine I deserve it I'm staying here thought." Calum said "for a week but not for 10 weeks." You said "fine." Then you guys chilled the rest of the day.

Ashton:(age:13): you snuck out with this guy you liked but then you didn't actually like him so you went to Luke and Sierra's house but didn't tell Ashton you were going there even know he was there hangout with them you said "I know I'm grounded I'm staying here." Kaykay said "fine since it's only for a week." Ashton said "I say 2 and you're never seeing that boy again." You said "that's fine with me I don't even know why I liked him he's a player." Sierra said "good you got over him quickly." You laughed then hungout with them the rest of the night.

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