BSM: you go to meet a guy from online and you don't tell them

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Luke:(age:16): you were going to meet this guy at a club that you meet online and been talking to for a while he was your age that's what he said and the boys and girls were at a club too with the one direction boys and girls you arrived at the Club and didn't see him he told you to go into the club and go into the bar you weren't old enough to go in but had a fake so they allowed you to go in you went over to the bar and waited for the guy to show you ordered yourself a drink and waited when you heard someone say "oh what a surprise to see you here little hemmings." You turned around and saw eleanor you went pale and said "Um you never saw me you can have this I was never here." Then you started walking out you ran into someone they said "are you yn?" It was a older man you said "no that's not me." He said "I recognize you from your profile you have to be her." You started panicking realizing this was the guy you've been talking to you said "nope I'm not her I'm sorry this was a huge mistake." And you started running you ran right into someone and fell on your butt they said "oh my gosh I'm so... yn what the hell are you doing here?!?!?" You looked up and saw Sierra you said "um nothing I was just leaving you never saw me." And ran to your car and drove home you knew you were about to get lectured when you got home you changed and showered then deleted the dating app you were using a couple hours later Luke plus the girls and boys and one direction boys and girls came home Luke said "yn why is Sierra and eleanor saying you were at the club we were at?" You walked down slowly and said "well um my friend wanted me to meet them there turned out it wasn't  my friend it was  this older dude so I ran out of there and left and no I didn't drink anything and he didn't do anything to me." Luke said "what were you thinking?!?!!" You said "I wasn't I'm sorry it won't happen again."Luke said "it better not your smarter than that that was so dangerous." Then you headed to bed.

Calum:(age:17): you and your friend was waiting for this guy you meet online hoping it wasn't a scam and it wasn't just some prev your friend came cause he said he had a friend so you guys were waiting at the park you told calum you were going to the park with your friend to meet up with some friends little did he know that you have only been talking to this guy online and not in person the guy texted you saying they were on their way your friend and you sat on the bench when you heard "well hello yn." You saw Maya plus Liam you said"shit." Maya said "does Calum know you're here?" You said "yes our other friends just haven't arrived yet." Liam said "are these friends girls or boys." You lied and said "girls." Liam gave you a look then said "alright be safe." You said "will do." Then they went to catch up with the others who were there too you said "fuck me." Your friend said "we're busted." Then you and your friend saw two dudes that were around your brother's age come up to you guys you said "I'm sorry you guys said you were 17 you guys don't look 17 to me we're going to leave." They said "but we are 17 ladies plus you guys will be 18." Your friend said "yeah but we're not right now sorry bye." Then you guys headed to your car and drove back to your house you knew they saw that whole thing they walked in at the same time you guys did Calum said "who were those boys?!!?!" You said "I honestly don't know who they were they didn't do anything to us we're fine I'm sorry." Calum said "that was so dangerous something could have happened to you girls you're lucky they didn't follow you home or do something to you never do that again ever." You said "I won't." Then you deleted the dating app.

Ashton:(age:18): you were home alone so you invited the guy over that you've been talking to your friends were over too there was a knock at the door and it didn't look like the guy you've been talking too you said "I'm sorry you must have to wrong house." He said "you're yn right?" You said "no I'm sorry this is the wrong address." Then he left you said "never using the dating app ever again." Then you deleted it realizing you got played then the girls and guys walked in kaykay said "who was that guy?" You said "I serouisly don't know." Ashton said "were you talking to someone online again on that dating app I told you to get off of?" You said "yes but I'm off of it now and I didn't talk to that guy or interact with him he didn't touch me either." Ashton said "you're very lucky that could have ended really badly." You said "I know I'm sorry it won't happen again."

Michale:(age:19): you were meeting this guy after school thank gosh Michael was running late to pick you up since you didn't have a car right now then you saw a older guy get out of his car and said "yn?" You said "no I'm sorry that's not me." He said "you look like her." You said "I'm sorry you got the wrong girl I gotta go." Then Michael pulled in and you hopped into the car he said "who was that." You said "I don't know." Then you deleted the dating app Ashton saw since you were next to him he said "good was that guy from the dating app?" You said "yeah I thought he was my age I guess he lied." Michael said "that was so dangerous thank gosh I pulled in when I did or who knows what would have happened to you." You said "I'm sorry and yeah I'm very thankful for you it won't happen again." Then you guys headed home.

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