BSM: boys and girls make fun of you

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Luke:(age:11): you were at the mall with your friends and luke,Sierra and the others too you guys were shopping enjoying your time when these guys and girls from your school say "hey look it's the loser who gets no time with her brother ever." Sierra said "hey look it's the guys and girls that are so insecure about their selfs that they need to bring down a girl who has a better life then them probably." They were silent then one girl had the nerve to say "aren't you the one that hated on fans?" Luke said "doesn't sound like something she would ever do so I don't know why you would ever accuse her of doing that aren't you the one that sends her hate." Then they walked away Sierra said "what brats." You said "you got that right." Then you guys enjoyed the rest of your time.

Calum:(age:12): you were chilling in your front yard with your friends when you heard a voice you knew to well say "hey look the loser is by herself." Since your friend went to the bathroom she came back and said "no she's not and the only loser here is you guys." They laughed and said "please she hasn't even had her first kiss yet." Calum came out and said "because of me because she's still young and shouldn't be kissing anyone yet and she would never go for any of you and you guys shouldn't be kissing any girls yet either." Then the guys ran off you smiled and said "you're the best." He said "I know." Then you guys chilled the rest of the day.

Ashton:(age:13): a couple of girls and guys said "hey look it's the emo girl." Just as ashton pulled in and heard that he got out of the car and said "you don't ever call her that again you guys are the reason she did it do not start again or else I will be speaking to the principal and to your parents you understand?" They nodded and ran off then you got into the car he said "you alright?" Looking back at you you said "yeah now I'm thank you for that." He said "no problem no one messes with you." Then you guys headed home happy to have him in your life.

Michael:(age:14): you were chilling with your friends at your house you guys were outside when you heard "wow they really don't know them." You knew Excatly what they were talking about thats when the boys came home and said "they know us now leave." Then they left you said "thank you their the worst." Crystal said "don't have to tell us that." Then you guys chilled with them for the rest of the day.

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