Imagine a bunch of boys gang up on you

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Luke:you and your friends were at a club little did you know the boys plus the girls and one direction boys plus their girls were going to be there too you saw them and smiled then said "that's why you allowed me to go." Sierra said "we didn't know you were coming to the same one." Luke said "plus you're with friends we want you to have fun even if you think we don't." You smiled then went back to dancing with your friends this guy was eyeing you the whole night you excused yourself to the bathroom where you saw the guy he brought you in there and his friends were with him you were heavily breathing and said "what do you want?" They said "we want you pretty little lady." He touched your side you pushed his hand off and tried to go back with your friends but his friends got you you said "let me go!!" And started dragging you to the back door but before they did that someone said "what's going on here?" The guys looked at Princeton he saw you and said "let her go now." The guy shoved you towards him and ran Princeton held you close and said "you ok did they hurt you?" Checking you over You said "no I'm fine." Then you saw Paul with the guys you were shocked to see Paul there you said "how did you know they did something?" He said "Princeton let me know what happened now get her back to the boys before they flip or her friends." Princeton said "will do." Then he brought you over to the boys and girls including your friends Sierra said "and this is why we don't allow you to go to the bathroom by yourself in public places I know for a fact something happened since Princeton brought you back." You said "I'm fine I just wants to go home." Luke said "what happened?" You said "a guy and his friends ganged up on me and one touched my side and the others were going to take me in the back who knows what would have happened if Princeton didn't find me." You were terrified and crying at this point luke hugged you then you guys decide to go home and chill there for the rest of the night where it was safe.

Calum: you were at a party with your friends and this guy you knew to well was watching you you looked up at the boys who were performing the girls were there too same with 1D and their girls you were getting nervous cause this guy plus his buddy was getting closer to you you told your friends you were going to get a drink they said ok in hopes that would make the guy go away and Calum notice this happening too you walked over to the drinks when the guy touched you you screamed getting someone's attention but the guy and his friends took you to a bedroom and locked you in and said "listen here bitch we want you and you know that stop trying to get away from us you're not dating that stupid band member so don't be pulling that bullshit with us we aren't that stupid." Then they pushed you on a bed when the door open it was maya she said "get away from her now." The guy looked at maya and same with his friends you ran in front of her and took her hand and ran all the way to the boys and other girls you ran into Calum's opened arms as the boys were chasing you and maya she ran into Liam's open arms the guys chuckled and said "so you're going to make us work for you guys aren't you they're not always going to be around to protect you guys." Calum said "you boys have to leave or you won't be around at this party anymore." The cops were behind them and arrested them Calum said "you alright?" Looking at you and maya you guys said "yeah we're ok." You said "they didn't touch me they just hovered over me." Then you guys headed home after that feeling safe in Calum's arms.

Ashton: you were camping with him the boys and the girls plus the one direction boys and girls too you went to get more wood when someone touched you screamed when you saw a groups of boys right next to you they were smirking at you you ran they chased you all the way back to the campsite where the boys and girls were you ran into Ashton he held you close the boys said "um we were just helping her bring wood here that's toally why we were following her nothing else." Ashton said "leave cause I know that's not the real reason you were back there you wanted to do stuff to her that's not going to happen we will call the cops if you don't leave now." The guys left and Ashton said "you ok?" You said "yeah just scared." Then you stayed in the tent for the rest of the night and cuddled in between Ashton and Kaykay she said "one way to make you feel safe." You laughed happy to have them in your life.

Michale: you were coming back from a run when you saw these boys in front of you and knew they would give you a hard time as they were smirking at you you tried avoiding them but they didn't happen they caught you and said " you aren't getting Away from us pretty little lady." Then you heard someone say "I would if I was you if you knew who she was." You saw harry so thankful he was running this way you ran to him as the guy let you go from shocked seeing harry styles and they ran knowing he called the cops which he did they ran into them harry held you close and said "are you ok did they hurt you?" You said "I'm ok just scared." Then he brought you home and explained to Michael what happen he said "you're truly a life saver." Harry said "I'll always save her." You smiled happy to have them in your life.

Imagine/BSM part 4❤️Where stories live. Discover now