BSM: you walk into your boyfriend cheating on you or trying to cheat

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Luke:(age:16): you walked back to your house with your friends and walked in and saw Sierra running to you she hid behind you she said "see I told you she would catch you don't worry I didn't do anything he's the one that came on me." You looked at your now ex boyfriend he said "I was just hangout with her as a friend she's engaged you really think I would go for her and she's older." You said "friend my ass you wanted to get into her pants and she wouldn't let you so you chased her." He went pale cause Luke was right behind you with the others Luke said "you have a second to leave before I punch you in the face." Heading towards him he ran out of that house like his life depending on it which it did you said "such a ass." Sierra went over to Luke and he held her close and said "you got that right I'm sorry he did that to you." You said "he's ugh I'm sticking with these boys." Luke hugged you and said "you only need us." Then you chilled with them for the rest of the night.

Calum:(age:17): it was the middle of the night you thought it was calum and some random girl but when you saw your boyfriend's shirt outside the door you were curious you opened the door and saw Arzela and your ex boyfriend you said to them "get the hell out why the hell would you do it here and not at her house or your house!!!" Arzela said "he wanted to show you he's happier with me." Your ex said "she's right." Calum then said "get the hell out now I'll punch you in the face and the cops are on their way now your trust passing leave we are suing you both." They both ran out of the house and the police caught them and arrested them you said "karmas a bitch." Then slammed the door and went to your room to cry but calum caught you and brought you to his you cried yourself to sleep into his arms.

Ashton:(age:18): you were in school when you saw your boyfriend and Arzela's sister you said "whore and dick." They looked at you and froze and you got your things and slammed your locker shut then left they chased after you and said "don't you dare tell your brother." Grabbing your arm Arzela was there and said "then don't be the person that her ex boyfriend now cheated on her with your a slut." Her sister said "you're a slut too." You pulled away from her and said "she's right you both are." And walked to where the others were your ex boyfriend was shocked but you got into the car the boys saw the whole thing happen Ashton said to your ex "never come near her again." Then he got in the car and headed home Sierra said "he would do that." You said " I know right what a scum bag." When you got home you chilled with them for the rest of the night.

Michael:(age:19): you knew they weren't just friends there was more going on but still said she can come over with him even know you knew he was cheating on you with her but was going to break up with him anyways cause he was a ass the boys walked down and said "players stay players now leave before you get beat." The girl said "we're just friends so he's not a player." You said "friends my ass I was going leave him anyways this gave me another reason." He said "ok then I'm cheating on you we will leave now before I get beat." Then they left you said "asswholes." Then chilled with the boys and girls the rest of the night.

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